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  1. Lighterfighter

    Just got a 8x4. Help w air flow.

    I got a nice size room I tarped offhand the room n was using that6x9 ft area with a 600 and a 1k I got a 4x4 table and an ebb n and flow bucket system. 12 site. I also have another 3x3 flood table and a 12 light t5 for veg. I just got a used 8x4 ft tent!!! I plan to hand water in the 3x3 table...
  2. Lighterfighter

    new to ebb and flow

    Depends on how your whole perpetual is set up or if your not running perpetual then bigger is best. Really comes down to height space and lighting for what is best. what's the limitations? What you got so far?
  3. Lighterfighter

    new to ebb and flow

    Hey man if your running soil, I'd just suggest coco, unless you've already got the tron. I've done both with flood trays. I've done alot and a little in hydroton. 4x4 should hold no more then 5 or 6 nice bushes for best yield imo. You fold em over or super crop or fim ect to increase the amount...
  4. Lighterfighter

    Two week in, but seems like plants aren't responding.

    Use black fan as ref. one week growth.
  5. Lighterfighter

    Two week in, but seems like plants aren't responding.

    There was a lil frying on the edge of a few leaves so I cleaned em up. I reduced ppm from 750 to 600 in past week and now 500. Cause they are eating the water quicker then nutes so I have topped off a lil after flushing. ill change water this weekend. I use h and g and will add bud xl. Should be...
  6. Lighterfighter

    Two week in, but seems like plants aren't responding.

    They are like a ft away from the light. One stem got pretty damaged trying to tie it down. They are retarded tall
  7. Lighterfighter

    Two week in, but seems like plants aren't responding.

    Well that's good to know I may expect an additional week or 2. Pineapple Express is 55-60 fortunately for me.
  8. Lighterfighter

    Two week in, but seems like plants aren't responding.

    man if they start shooting up any more we may have an overgrown room lol they have tripled in size already. Like 14in to 3 ft. are u serious about the moon cycles?!?!?!?
  9. Lighterfighter

    Two week in, but seems like plants aren't responding.

    They are finally starting to show a nudge of bud formation, wow. Taking for ever. I see stacked hairs today close together. The one I topped tripled in size. This has been one of the stretchier strains I've touched. Pineapple express. I got a few clonesI have potted for moms. Ill keep 2 of the...
  10. Lighterfighter

    Two week in, but seems like plants aren't responding.

    Please delete thread
  11. Lighterfighter

    Two week in, but seems like plants aren't responding.

    I am 14 days in but plants look I'm not even flowering. Idk if this is normally. From whelat i remeber it happened sooner. or im super impatient. My previous ops were clones, but these are seeds. I vegged them for a month and a half. All but two show sex. I left light on extra 2 hours the 3rd...
  12. Lighterfighter

    Advice Please, 7.5ftx 10ft area.

    I went to the hydro store and got a CAP ebb and grow for 240!!!! Got it all set up under the 600 in the flower room. the 4x4 has 1k and the 12 site is under the 600watt. I could pull some clones and put them under the 600 in the ebb and grow after two weeks for a sweet little harvest. I have the...
  13. Lighterfighter

    Advice Please, 7.5ftx 10ft area.

    3 clones rooted. But ima pull one from a plant I want that didn't root previously. Also poped 2 ace of spades 1 ATF and 1 pe. From seed. Ill keep one mother of each. And take some mote clones within the month. I am thinking of starting another ebb and flow but I don't want it so elevated...
  14. Lighterfighter

    Advice Please, 7.5ftx 10ft area.

    A few leaves are goin bad idk why. But here's some pics. 10 days in.
  15. Lighterfighter

    Advice Please, 7.5ftx 10ft area.

    Ohh man, I am excited. I got everything light proofed the two rooms are vented running. getting stoked. I put a couple ace of spaded and atf and 1 P.e into germination . And if any clones take, Ill pick the ones whose mothers are showing best Id say keep 3 mothers and use a 3x3 space for the...
  16. Lighterfighter

    Advice Please, 7.5ftx 10ft area.

    They are showing female pistols on the most mature of the plants. pretty gnarley stuff. I took some clones with rootech , its day 5 or 6 and unfortunately, None are rooting. I pulled the plug apart on 2. One shows no signs of taking. the other had like a whitish area forming on the bottom. most...
  17. Lighterfighter

    Advice Please, 7.5ftx 10ft area.

    wel I found out the plants are femanized. I will verify in flower, but that means I don't need clones. Ill prolly pull some any way. There is some different pheno types and the ones I fimm'd you can see dropped an even canopy. Which is dope. the real short bushy ones have like a half inch...