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  1. L

    Greetings from upstate NY

    tom..just moved from woodstock would have been a doable trip specially with such an important mission on hand..will def let ya know when up that way... dem slots..and i know they love me from how much i feed them..i'm actually about 40 mins from there in...
  2. L

    Greetings from upstate NY

    thanks for the imput..once this storm passes i'll start more leg work..nice dog airman..tomogchi..i'm near monticello..ever hear of it lol...
  3. L

    Greetings from upstate NY

    hey all.... welp it finally happened...after 25 years i have found myself in a position i never thought i would be in..just moved to a new town and have no kind friends to to chill with. so in desparation i started checking out the legal bud sites and landed here. was wondering if anyone out...