Greetings from upstate NY


Active Member
hey all....

welp it finally happened...after 25 years i have found myself in a position i never thought i would be in..just moved to a new town and have no kind friends to to chill with. so in desparation i started checking out the legal bud sites and landed here. was wondering if anyone out there could recomend's so sad to have a new comp and video games to play with nothing to play with my head..any input would be greatly appreciated..

thanks in advance



Well-Known Member
Welcome. I would advise to stay away from "legal buds". I personally don't have any experience with them, but I havn't heard any positive feedback from anybody. Just be patient and search for a local hookup. Try music venues or any place that you would associate with weed. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Sup dude!
Glad to see another from NY. Were abouts are you? Depending on that depends on whether i can help out or not...
Legal buds are a joke though.... Like you may get high, but it wont be from them, it will be from the lack of oxygen during inhales lol.
Wait around for a connect, or hit up a college. Every college i've visited i've been able to walk away with some good 10/g 30/8th shit without knowing anyone. ask around, and get your connect that way too.


Active Member
thanks for the imput..once this storm passes i'll start more leg work..nice dog airman..tomogchi..i'm near monticello..ever hear of it lol...


Well-Known Member
heh im like 2 1/2 hours from you. If your ever around albany/troy lemme know, i could make it worth your while.

Enjoy governor petersons tax on fatty foods and on plastic bags lmao.....


Active Member
tom..just moved from woodstock would have been a doable trip specially with such an important mission on hand..will def let ya know when up that way... dem slots..and i know they love me from how much i feed them..i'm actually about 40 mins from there in callicoon but when i say that most peeple just say calli-who..lolwe'll have to hook up sometime and feed the headstones.. games..perfect day to do some baking..and me without any flour *throw pitty party for self*...*digs through old boxes* dang i wish i was part squarrlel...

peace all


Well-Known Member
Welcome.... lots of people here near you.. when you're a little more known here stuff may look up... never know.. :p:p


Active Member
thanks for the encouranging words twisty...both for things possibly looking for knowing there is life out here...origannly from long island, lol i thought ulster county was the counrty..never thought i would be living amongst cows and sheep


Well-Known Member
thanks for the encouranging words twisty...both for things possibly looking for knowing there is life out here...origannly from long island, lol i thought ulster county was the counrty..never thought i would be living amongst cows and sheep
Best place to grow my friend.......


Active Member
hey alg..actually checked the local pizza place..not really picking up much of a smokers vibe...but maybe just the shift..guess more pizza for me..bill lovin the weather now that i'm not on the roads..and pretty psyched to use my new snow blower


New Member
keep your eyes open ive been working kitchens 20 sum yrs and every one smokes if they dont smoke thier raging alcholics or much worse criminals ahhhh i shouldnt be so harsh thiers some good and some really good poeple in restaurant biz but keep your eyes open ,,i even delivered pizzas myself cruising around town all stoned a little extra cash around the holidays tips werent 2 bad


Well-Known Member
lonstrgtrp i went to woodstock 2 summers ago its alright..i thought they'd have more headshops. I hit up some river shit with tubes it was pretty fun got drank heinekens and smoked blunts down the river


Active Member
hey GS
woodstock has changed alot oveer the years..use to be more shop but as time went on it started turning into a little soho..more for the yuppie than the hippie
Hi Lon,
I am going through a lot of the same things that you are as I recently moved up here around the Albany area. I moved from Georgia so it has been a big change. I decided to join the site after seeing everyones post on here and it gave me hope of life in the area. I have been finishing up school online and my fiance (who works) is shy so it has been hard to meet new people, not to mention the winter was hell lol. Well look forward to hopefully meeting new people and finding some green.