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  1. F

    outdoor plant leaves are turning yellow

    help the leaves of my plants are turning yellow and falling off. I am in the vegatative state as you will see from my pics. HELP!
  2. F

    whats wrong with my plants + Pics + rep for help

    help the leaves of my plants are turning yellow and falling off. I am in the vegatative state as you will see from my pics. Can someone please help
  3. F

    What the hell is eating the tops off of my plants!?

    hey can you guys maybe tell me what is going on with my plants? I have attached pics
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    How do i get my plants to stop yellowing? see pics

    How do i get my plants to stop yellowing? see pics
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    Question about MANGANESE(Mn) def?

    Can someone please help me diagnose what is causing my leaves on my plant to get yellow and fall off? I am attaching pics to help you see the problem Can someone help me diagnose my problem? I have yellowing leaves as well as spots as you will see from my pics