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    Thanks so much.
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    im in illinois and they strand is og kush
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    nutes for my flowering plants

    Hi There, I am using nutes that are 19-31-17 for my flowering plants. Is this okay and how much should I use? The directions on the bottle say I should use a 1/4 teaspoon per gallon of water. This sounds like a very little amount, especially since I am reading that I should be using 1/2 of...
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    How long should I let my outdoor plants bud until i harvest them? Again they are outdoor plants.
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    Flowering stage

    Thank you, THey are actually outdoor plants. Do you think that matters still. I don't know if I should put a tarp over them
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    Flowering stage

    Should I keep my flowering plant buds from getting wet?
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    Should I be using other nutes when i am using this product?
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    yellowing leaves

    just regular old miracle grow. so there is no way i am over watering? I will flush the soil asap
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    yellowing leaves

    could it be i am watering them too much
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    yellowing leaves

    I do give them miracle grow
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    Are the Nutes I am using ok?

    that is a huge blunt. Do you think you know wht is going on with my plants. Pics attached
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    yellowing leaves

    also some of the leaves are brown at the tips. I am so lost and would greatly appreciate some help from some of you experienced growers. THanks
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    yellowing leaves

    Can you anybody help me out with why my plants leaves are turning yellow and falling off? I am first time grower and any help would be very helpful. Pics attached
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    Are the Nutes I am using ok?

    I am using Miracle grow in the vegetative state. Is this good enough?
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    outdoor plant leaves are turning yellow

    You da man...would you say you are an advanced grower? If so i would love to run stuff by you as this is my first grow.
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    California Sunscreen Garden OutDoor grow

    can i ask you guys a question
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    PIcs Leaves have spots and are turning yellow and falling off !

    Some of the leaves on my plants have spots and some are turning yellow and falling off> Please HELP!
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    outdoor plant leaves are turning yellow

    Thanks I appreciate. What about how some of the leaves have brown spots on them?
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    outdoor plant leaves are turning yellow

    I figured overwatering because i have been watering everyday. THe plants have been getting 95 degree heat all day long. Too much nitrogen?