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  1. P

    male or female, pics tomorrow

    Here are some pics of the plant in question, Their not the best pics I can't seem to find a micro or macro setting on the camera. This strain is unknown it was just out of some good bag weed, someone asked the longitude or latitude I live in west penna, if that helps. I took pics where I...
  2. P

    male or female, pics tomorrow

    I have a plant outside its about almost 4 ft and is roughly 2 months old, I would like to know if theres any way to tell its sex yet? I just started LST'ing slightly, I dont wanna screw something up. I'll take pics tomorrow, should I take it of the top of the plant and the nodes (stems)? any...
  3. P

    Rubbermaid stealth grow box. 150w mh, help with ballast

    I'm no electrician but whats the screwed into or wired to? I dont wanna fire hazard (not saying that your is) i like to save money but with this I may just wait to buy the right setup. But I'd like to know more about how you made your if you dont mind, I have family members that are electricians
  4. P

    best strain for beginner with small grow room

    I would also consider getting a T5 fixture. A 4 bulb 2' fixture would provide better coverage, probably be cooler and look a lot cleaner. You can swap out bulbs for different spectrums. Thnks I've heard alot of people that use the T5 for there cuttings. I didn't know you could switch up the...
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    best strain for beginner with small grow room

    Thanks again Budfever I'm def going to stay away from Nirvana your not the 1st bad review I've heard and read about them. I def think I'll give TGA's Space Dawg a try, what kind of yield are you thinking? I'm going to start to flower at about 24". Tieing main branches to promote new growth...
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    best strain for beginner with small grow room

    I'd like some opions on seed banks and strains that give a good yield from a smaller plant. My grow box is going to be roughly 4'x3'x4'. I planned on using all cfl's for the 1st grow. will consist of 10 23w= 100w, Nat'l daylight for veg. and then for flower 10 23w 2500k (idk if that is...
  7. P

    1st time buying leered ovepr th net

    I'm going to use a prepaid credit card '/ western union debit. Does anyone know if they'll take payment from that card. Also I want to get the best bang for my buck. I"'ve heard good and bad about nirvana, what's the best seed quality bank. Also space is an issue 4'X 4'X 4X si I would like some...
  8. P

    Rubbermaid stealth grow box. 150w mh, help with ballast

    Grorite am I correct in saying for veg you want 6500 blue in color and flower you want 2700 warm in color? I've started plants with cfl's to get started before I put them outdoors. I've never did a whole grow using them, but the color spectrum I mentioned is what I've read on hear.
  9. P

    Rubbermaid stealth grow box. 150w mh, help with ballast

    Thank you I though about that after I posted this. Would it be alright to use that bulb in a 3/4" plywood grow box that is 4'wideX 2' deepX 3' high. Would I need more fans than just 2 4" computer fans, 1 intake and 1 outtake?
  10. P

    Rubbermaid stealth grow box. 150w mh, help with ballast I'm wondering if I need a special ballast or can I hook it up to any socket able to hold 150watt bulb? I want to use it in a rubbermaid stealth box. Any info is helpful thanks
  11. P

    Sexing an indica can I cut light and put back into veg

    This is about 7 wks old I was wondering if anyone could tell me if its showing signs of sex, and also am I right in saying its an Indica? Thanks any info is helpful
  12. P

    Sexing an indica can I cut light and put back into veg

    Bilbo so you mean that the plant should show sexing by appearance of preflowers? Would be able to describe what I should look for? If it will help I can take some pics and upload them. Thanks again guys it's very much appreciated
  13. P

    Sexing an indica can I cut light and put back into veg

    So your saying for me to just take a cutting put some rooting gel/ power on it get it rooted, and put it on 12/12 and then I'll know if it's worth my time? Thanks I think I got it that does make ALOT more sense than doing the whole plant. Do you know if Nirvana is a top notch seed bank that...
  14. P

    Sexing an indica can I cut light and put back into veg

    Hello, I guess I'd say i'm a newbie for sure, I have a question on sexing a plant. I've had it growing almost a month and a half now and I've had it outside for about 3 wks now. I was wondering if in a month or so can I bring it in and cut the light on it just to make sure it's a...