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  1. LCP

    Where are patients legally allowed to consume medical marijuana?

    I always wondered, where are patients LEGALLY allowed to consume their medication? Out in public? In a car (that they are not driving obviously)? Clearly anyone can choose to smoke anywhere at any given time; however, I'm curious as to what the law/regulations say on this, if anything at all.
  2. LCP

    your thoughts on today's court case(federal)

    haha, great way to stay in compliance.
  3. LCP

    Mettrum Review

    Look gb123, if you literally have nothing else to say other than to put down all the LP's that anyone ever has a question or concern about then stop interruption someone who is giving back to our community by giving his/her experience with LP's. I welcome those experiences as it will help shape...
  4. LCP

    your thoughts on today's court case(federal)

    One step at a time everyone, this is merely an injection motion. The trial itself will have constitutional arguments that will (IMO) determine the likelihood of the MMPR being repealed or not. So far it looks like the injunction may be granted, but the future of Medical Marijuana rests on the...
  5. LCP

    your thoughts on today's court case(federal)

    I see your point OGE, but there is no way the government can find opium and marijuana highly comparable in regards to access to medication. 1)One major concern with opium is that it can KILL people when not manufactured or taken properly; hence a huge public safety concern. 2) One major...
  6. LCP

    your thoughts on today's court case(federal) Live Twitter feed near bottom of page
  7. LCP

    if there is a positive outcome on the 18th...

    True. However the Judge has stated (via the tweets I have read) that he/she may render a decision today. Worst case scenario it will be done before April 1/14.
  8. LCP

    Canna farms

    This thread seems to have deviated from its original namesake post. Anyone try CannaFarms yet? lol
  9. LCP

    if there is a positive outcome on the 18th... A reporter is in the court live tweeting what is happening, if anyone is interested. Scroll to the bottom of the screen.
  10. LCP

    Why is a ticket a reasonable punishment?

    not to mention…. A FINE IS RECORDED AS A CRIMINAL CONVICTION!!!! DO NOT THINK BECAUSE YOU ARE PAYING A TICKET THAT YOU ARE GETTING "OFF". Edit**Strictly out of covering my own behind, talk to your local Criminal Defence attorney for a precise answer, or look it up in the Crim Code.
  11. LCP

    if there is a positive outcome on the 18th...

    Only if advil were taking over and deemed "more appropriate" than chemo (to use your analogy). I don't think MMPR patients will have any right to producing their own even if the injunction is successful. Simply put, there are no means of gaining the proper permits/license anymore from HC. The...
  12. LCP

    if there is a positive outcome on the 18th...

    That is awesome to hear, however I don't see how the MMPR patients will reap any benefits under the MMAR seeing as they have not been approved or licensed to grow under the MMAR originally.
  13. LCP

    Greenleaf Medicinals - Latest Approved LP

    I assume the doctors note must not overlap in terms of the time period you are under a certain LP. (ex. you can sign up for 2 months at one LP and 2 month with another LP, but those months cannot overlap?)
  14. LCP

    A Peace Naturals Project Review

    Has anyone been trying the strains from other LP's beyond Peace Natural?
  15. LCP

    if there is a positive outcome on the 18th...

    The case would only affect current MMAR licensed individuals.
  16. LCP

    Greenleaf Medicinals - Latest Approved LP

    Just saw this today as well. Free shipping on orders over $75, $7 a gram at the moment for 8 strains. I wonder how many LP's will pop up just before April 1? And which one to chose?!? (for those of us who are going to the MMPR)
  17. LCP

    Canna farms

    Haha I appreciate the ego boost but shawa is right. Being a part of the system and acknowledging the pro's and con's will aid in suggesting potential changes.
  18. LCP

    What LP have you signed up with and how would you rate them?

    Those are strong words symptum. High THC strains are just as important to provide to patients who need it as high CBD strains. It varies on each patients individual symptoms.
  19. LCP

    Canada - Medical Marijuana Facility Planned For Charlottetown

    If anyone hears of any further details regarding this company please pass on the information
  20. LCP

    Dr. Sanjay Gupta...round 2 Cannabis Madness

    Isn't it enough that he is shedding light on a subject that most citizen have vanquished from their minds? Perhaps he stands to make some money out of the acceptance of Marijuana as a Medicine, but that does not negate the fact that Marijuana IS a Medicine and should be treated as such. In my...