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  1. J

    Armoire Grow - Ventilation Question

    i dont have a good full pic of my cab.. above the lights, the shelf they’re hanging on.. my 4” fan and carbon filter is up there.. i cut a 5” hole in the shelf on the right. to let air up.. my 5” passive intake is on the bottom left. fans above and below canopy blowing in opposite directions...
  2. J

    Armoire Grow - Ventilation Question

    something like this is what i was talking about, for your passive intake..... it does great for not letting any light out, should work...
  3. J

    Armoire Grow - Ventilation Question

    i find the black carbon vacuum filters do a great job, saves on floor space also..its good to filter the intake anways, two birds stoned at once:blsmoke: i had a light baffle at first,i found the extra space was useful in my small setup. always an option if you find yourself needing the floor...
  4. J

    What is this white stuff that formed where I broke my stem?

    thats good stuff to know.. and about the flushing, i usually water til ample runoff every watering.. this run not so much.. after i seen “the blob” gave the girls an h202 spray down.. and checked runoff ppm, which was high(its now back down).. so im glad thats what it probably was. learn...
  5. J

    What is this white stuff that formed where I broke my stem?

    is that was that is?? can it come through the leaves when they transpire?? seen a tiny white blob on a leaf that was being overlapped and was moist.. thought it coulda been the start of powdery mildew(that wasnt powdery cos of the water on the leaf lol).. never seen that before.
  6. J


    id love to see some more pics in here, not too many documented peakseeds grows out there. i grabbed a pack of northern skunk and skunkberry about a month ago.. one of those two are next in line for me, im thinking northern skunk:bigjoint: based on all the glowing reviews here.
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    Lukios Secret Garden

    @lukio yours looks almost like one of the pheno's i had, thing had an intense lavender smell after about a month of curing.. never smelled bud like that before:bigjoint: didnt have it so much while flowering though.
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    Lukios Secret Garden

    oh yea, i took my space monkey's at 8 weeks when i grew them out. as flavourful as it was, i think 9 weeks woulda gave it that extra edge, i barely had any amber on mine.
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    Lukios Secret Garden

    that monkey is looking great! so youre letting them go 9 weeks?? gonna be real nice:bigjoint:
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    bodhi seeds

    the hindu hashplant’s coming along nice.. 3weeks of 12/12 now.. had quite the stretch. they were like this at the flip... and here they are at 3 weeks in. i had all 4 in there until just this sunday lol.. i got the other one in my old cab under my mars panel.. ill save posting the purple pic...
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    bodhi seeds

    i took mine at 56 days 12/12, could have went 9 weeks though. coming along nice:blsmoke:
  12. J

    Advice on defoliation & scrog

    throwing in my 2 cents, my experience with trimming was a definite decrease in over all yield..i didnt even go too crazy like ive seen some do here. best yield(and quality overall) was with no trimming, and a staggered harvest where i harvested tops and let the lowers go another 1-2 weeks. i...
  13. J

    Lukios Secret Garden

    Thanks man. they are looking great! seen some killer pheno's posted here and there,all of em looked excellent. both of mine(space monkeys) were great as well.. ive grown out the monkey and i got hindu hashplant going right now, about 2 weeks into flower.
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    Lukios Secret Garden

    cant wait to see those space monkeys in the coming weeks. looking great man!:blsmoke: im on my second bodhi grow myself. subbin up here!
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    bodhi seeds

    speaking of Hashplant crosses.. 4/5 of my hindu hashplants are females.. switched to flower Nov 22.. had to cut the veg short .. super crowded, had to trim some leaves for air movement. will post some pics in a couple of weeks. i think the over crowding may have contributed to some stretch...
  16. J

    Who's Got The Fostiest Buds? Let's See How Frosty A Bud Can Really Get?

    just about to smoke this.. starfighter x lbl... harvested beginning of september.. has a sweet citrus cream soda smell when busted open the frostiest ive grown so far (still a beginner) has been space monkey.. its hard to see plant matter through all the trichs lol:bigjoint:
  17. J

    Easiest way to determine sex with limited space ?

    i never usually veg more than 1 month.. this was actually the first time i was able to sex all my plants in veg. last few runs i ran in 1.7 gal hempy's so as not to waste much media & nutes on the boys i couldnt see until after the flip to 12/12.. moving forward im just gonna sex them in veg in...
  18. J

    Easiest way to determine sex with limited space ?

    I have the same dilemma as you, except im currently just running 1-2x3 cab. this run i went from solo's to 1 gallon pots of coco..they showed pre flowers @around 25 days veg..discarded male(s) and transplanted the females into 3 gals.. i think thats the best, least involved method for reg...
  19. J

    bodhi seeds

    That black raspberry has my eye also.. trying to stock as much diversity with my small purchases (i got SSDD, space monkey, and hindu hashplant at home right now) was thinking of going with... More cowbell goji OG or black ras. Freebies will be.. Cobra lips & Chem91 jb x snow lotus....i...
  20. J

    Fast drying + curing VS slow drying and no curing

    I hear it reduces smell and flavour quite a bit. but will be the smoothest smoke you ever had, apparently.. im planning to try it out on a small portion of my next harvest, just to see what its all about.:bigjoint: