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  1. J

    First timer's grow room

    ya that other plant is in a little pot i just sat it in with the other pot honestly those two bigger plants are practice plants for hydro, they just came from some seeds in a bag.
  2. J

    First timer's grow room

    Some nutrients and supplies
  3. J

    First timer's grow room

    Here's another pic. Btw love the sense of humor
  4. J

    First timer's grow room

    Here's one pic ill post more up in the Next few mins
  5. J

    First timer's grow room

    Here's my grow room, in my bathroom it has a built in blower fan to suck the air out my second story house the house is run by central air. The seedlings came from herbiesheadshop the ten in the middle are mig 29 and the rest of the seeds are freebies amazingly all the seeds I bought sprouted, I...
  6. J

    First timer's grow room

    sorry trying to add pics now
  7. J

    First timer's grow room

    Here's my grow room, in my bathroom it has a built in blower fan to suck the air out my second story house the house is run by central air. The seedlings came from herbiesheadshop the ten in the middle are mig 29 and the rest of the seeds are freebies amazingly all the seeds I bought sprouted, I...
  8. J

    first time grow... how they look?

    This is great info, im about to start my first grow indoors and if these plants made it this far with such limited equipment it encourages and gives the confidence with my grow. As a newbie i find the nutrient thing the most difficult in having to learn, im going to use 3 part jungle juice and...