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  1. Gblink3

    Look at this bitch, is it time for the ax?

    50 days flowering can't hold itself up anymore, my guess is a quarter pound wet easily, more most definitely than that. Still pretty white, but small nugs I have taken smoke well after 7 days of treating.
  2. Gblink3

    Strain Number 1

    Has anyone heard of a strain called #1, and that's not skunk #1 or Afghan #1 it's just #1? supposedly this strand is thirty to forty years old.
  3. Gblink3

    Boss puts glitter on floor to see if i vacuumed.

    Sounds like a dick.
  4. Gblink3

    Ok to harvest or to early?

    Pictures would help, I think you may not be seeing things clearly. Best advice is to definitely not harvest you still have at least another month of flowering growth to look forward to and the oils and resin don't come out till the very end.
  5. Gblink3

    how early can you flower a plant???+ rep

    You can grow 12/12 from seed, but a plant won't show it's sex till it is ready expect around the 7th or 8th node and one month of growth.
  6. Gblink3

    You Know You're Paranoid When . . .

    Paranoia is a disease unto itself.
  7. Gblink3

    "don't mix"

    That's beer and pills don't mix you must be thinking of.
  8. Gblink3

    Yogi's 2012, new found interest

    Dewd, leik teh wurl isss gunnA ENds!111!!!
  9. Gblink3


    This thread is still going it's been like a half a day?
  10. Gblink3

    Closet Grow Next Steps?

    Those seed pods look a lot like pollen sacks it may be a hermaphrodite, and the burning leaves look pretty bad too. You have a fan blowing in there?
  11. Gblink3


    Ever seen Idiocricy? That's exactly the direction civilization is heading.
  12. Gblink3


    Don't worry the human race will probably kill off all other indigenous life on this planet, use up all the resources then go extinct so at least there will be that period where only humans inhabit earth.
  13. Gblink3


    I feel you on that, had a kid just like that in a psychology class one time.
  14. Gblink3

    How is Over Population Being Control?

    Nah, what I meant is even if humans super evolved a human can never beat up an elephant, outrun a cheetah or outwit a wolf. In this regard we are not even the superior beings on our own plain of existence.
  15. Gblink3


    We don't know there aren't other planets with traits just like ours you should watch Nova more often and definitely the discovery channel you think you're being deep but not really coming off that well.
  16. Gblink3

    How is Over Population Being Control?

    Doubt it, the universe is huge, if there really are aliens with acid spit the acid spitting aliens could annihilate the human race maybe our only saving grace is our ability to make machines and our bodies. Humans aren't even the strongest, fastest or most cunning creatures on our own home planet.
  17. Gblink3

    How is Over Population Being Control?

    What ever would live there has to be way more powerful than anything that could live on Earth.
  18. Gblink3

    How is Over Population Being Control?

    No one is you know what they do in China right? There are no "evil motherfuckers," each and everyone of us is the evil motherfucker indeed to be part of this human race is a disease unto itself, but nestled in the heart of humanity is the cure too no one will ever understand we are the God and...
  19. Gblink3

    How much do you consume?

    At my worst I was at an ounce every 2 days last year, up until that point in my life and from that point on I smoke about a half a week, the bud I grow I can get by smoking less than a gram a day.
  20. Gblink3

    Male or Female? newbie here!

    The 3rd plant has no sex yet.