How is Over Population Being Control?


Active Member
I think over population is being control by some evil motherfuckers. For instant the H5N1 virus was engineered to wipe out the human race, why else would they be so focused on how many people it's killing than focusing on making a vaccine or even a cure. And did anyone ever ask the question why it started in Mexico? Well i did and i think it started in Mexico considering their very populated and since 'White People' are suppose to be the minority race on 2020 why not kill the people that's gonna be responsible for this new change? Another point why don't wealthier nations help other nations that's cursed with famine? The people in control look at this as way to control world population... What a fucked up world we live in.

Your Thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Whoever is controllin it needs to be fuckin fired cause this rock is WAAAAAAY over populated.


Active Member
Whoever is controllin it needs to be fuckin fired cause this rock is WAAAAAAY over populated.
It really is, more of our tax dollar should be used for exploration on Mars since it's the closet planet we can maybe someday live on.


Well-Known Member
Mars is dead. the core has cooled to the point to where it no longer has magnetic properties, therefore can no longer support an atmosphere.


Active Member
No one is you know what they do in China right? There are no "evil motherfuckers," each and everyone of us is the evil motherfucker indeed to be part of this human race is a disease unto itself, but nestled in the heart of humanity is the cure too no one will ever understand we are the God and the Devil it's a war going on inside each one of us.


Well-Known Member
Did you know that there may very well be life in our own solar system?

Neptune is a giant ice ball, but it's being speculated that there is a very good chance that there is life in the water underneath the ice.


Active Member
Did you know that there may very well be life in our own solar system?

Neptune is a giant ice ball, but it's being speculated that there is a very good chance that there is life in the water underneath the ice.
What ever would live there has to be way more powerful than anything that could live on Earth.


Active Member
No one is you know what they do in China right? There are no "evil motherfuckers," each and everyone of us is the evil motherfucker indeed to be part of this human race is a disease unto itself, but nestled in the heart of humanity is the cure too no one will ever understand we are the God and the Devil it's a war going on inside each one of us.
Good point, i believe this is why Human's have the ability to be the Superior beings in the Universe.


Well-Known Member
Not more powerful. Just evolved differently.

Imagine what they would think about us. They'd think we were fucking invincible since we live at such a HOT climate.


Active Member
Good point, i believe this why Human's are the Superior beings in the Universe.
Doubt it, the universe is huge, if there really are aliens with acid spit the acid spitting aliens could annihilate the human race maybe our only saving grace is our ability to make machines and our bodies. Humans aren't even the strongest, fastest or most cunning creatures on our own home planet.


Active Member
Doubt it, the universe is huge, if there really are aliens with acid spit the acid spitting aliens could annihilate the human race maybe our only saving grace is our ability to make machines and our bodies. Humans aren't even the strongest, fastest or most cunning creatures on our own home planet.
Some are, everyone human being has the ability to be the strongest, fastest and intelligent. We just have to realize this as a species, for it to happen.


Active Member
Some are, everyone human being has the ability to be the strongest, fastest and intelligent. We just have to realize this as a species, for it to happen.
Nah, what I meant is even if humans super evolved a human can never beat up an elephant, outrun a cheetah or outwit a wolf. In this regard we are not even the superior beings on our own plain of existence.


Active Member
Nah, what I meant is even if humans super evolved a human can never beat up an elephant, outrun a cheetah or outwit a wolf. In this regard we are not even the superior beings on our own plain of existence.
Good point, but with technology we can be #1

Bud Frosty

Well-Known Member
Mother Nature will tire of us someday. We'll get a good 'Thinning Out" one of these days...

Flu virus


Gamma ray pulse from outer space

Giant volcanic eruption


If it is a comet or asteroid, I hope it hits China first so I can watch on CNN for awhile before the ash cloud gets here.


Calyx LED
Cigarettes being legal, not curing AIDS&Cancer, Floride/pharmaceutical traces in public water, and overall the control over money controls population in the end.


Active Member
Cigarettes being legal, not curing AIDS&Cancer, Floride/pharmaceutical traces in public water, and overall the control over money controls population in the end.
That's true Cigs is the #1 way they control over population, But that isn't working fast enough that's why they engineered the H1N1 virus.

@wheredagreenb good point, that's why their trying to start WW3 with North Korea.