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  1. M

    bag seed, first grow. what's your thoughts??

    Looking good man! how old is this beaut? You using any nutes or anything on it? I'm still not sure if it's too late to get some veg nutes on my plant or just wait till it flowers first,
  2. M

    bag seed, first grow. what's your thoughts??

    I'll bear that in mind. What's the best thing I can do to inoculate it with? If I'm honest I wasn't expecting it to survive. Dunno why just had a feeling.. Practise runs for next year's proper grow! lol
  3. M

    bag seed, first grow. what's your thoughts??

    How's that going strongpakk? I'm excited!! haha And sweet grove I was thinking a bigger pot. But that the only one I've got spare. Will have to buy a bigger pot! :)
  4. M

    bag seed, first grow. what's your thoughts??

    Hey all!! This is my first post. So hi!! Lol, This is my first attempt at growing, it's bagseed, germed 8 seeds, 2 survived and 1 later got eaten by slugs!! So just the 1 left.. Currently it's 5 weeks and 1 day old from first planting, Planted straight into 'dirt' from the ground. Seems like...