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  1. M

    bag seed, first grow. what's your thoughts??

    I think! I've just spotted couple female pre flowers.. Fingers crossed I'm right.. Will try get some pics up soon
  2. M

    bag seed, first grow. what's your thoughts??

    Nice man there looking awesome!!
  3. M

    bag seed, first grow. what's your thoughts??

    Well I don't know loads about growing.. But know that Obv 4 oz from an outdoor plant is very realistic.. I'm just hoping for a half oz.. Any extra is a bonus! lol.. But yours have been vegging alot longer than mine. Mines only 6 weeks lol.. Might be a silly question but where did you notice...
  4. M

    bag seed, first grow. what's your thoughts??

    Yes Deffo lol.. Nice! I'm Interested in how your autos will Turn out. Looking forward to seeing some pics! :)
  5. M

    bag seed, first grow. what's your thoughts??

    How's yours coming along dude??
  6. M

    bag seed, first grow. what's your thoughts??

    I thought it would be too late now to mix up my own grow medium and transplant it.. This was mostly a practise run, nothing too serious. And to learn how the plant grows so I'm ready for next year sorting out a proper grow I am hoping to god this time round it turns out to be a female! Tbh...
  7. M

    bag seed, first grow. what's your thoughts??

    Here's some pics from now.. Sun's going down so it's looking Abit down.. What's your thoughts on the plant? Also the yellowing of the leaves.. Any advice greatly appreciated :)
  8. M

    bag seed, first grow. what's your thoughts??

    Okay. So tomorrow is 6 weeks old from sprouting.. Had its first hit of food today. Half strength/ recommend dose. Hopefully start seeing more changes this week :) not alot to report on yet.. .
  9. M

    bag seed, first grow. what's your thoughts??

    Okay so I pick up some nutes today. Beat I could. Npk. Ratio of 6-3-10.. This be any good to start using tomorrow??
  10. M

    bag seed, first grow. what's your thoughts??

    I water every othrr day..last watered yesterday.. so would be good if I watrred today using quarter strength then add nute every other feed. So up the nutes every 4 days? Water with nutes miss a day.. then plain water then miss a day then nutes again.. Also I dunno if it will help or not but if...
  11. M

    bag seed, first grow. what's your thoughts??

    Sweet okay do u recommend using like half strength? Or quarter...It is a high n and k value... think it was something along the lines of 15~8~12...
  12. M

    bag seed, first grow. what's your thoughts??

    Okay cool im in southern uk hoping ill see some in the next week or so. Be gutted to turm out to be a man and have to kill it :/ Whatcha think about the tom food?? Worth a try ? Cus thats the only thing I can get...
  13. M

    bag seed, first grow. what's your thoughts??

    I will deffo give that ago.. for various reasons I cant actually order anything offline at thw moment but I will in the near future Quick update.. plants coming along nicely where ive topped it its now starting to recover.. its taken nearly 2 weeks though.. is that normal?. Also on the lower...
  14. M

    bag seed, first grow. what's your thoughts??

    Ahh Yeh I can see that now.. Is that on one of your autos?? Weird though cus can see the rest of the pistols.. Maybe got a hermi on ya hands??
  15. M

    bag seed, first grow. what's your thoughts??

    Cool. It's just taking so long to ' recover ' but it's getting there.. Patience is key I guess! lol..
  16. M

    bag seed, first grow. what's your thoughts??

    Awesome.. I wanted to start early but couldn't due to lack of space :/ gonna set up properly next year though for sure!!
  17. M

    bag seed, first grow. what's your thoughts??

    Also I topped this plant a week ago.. Growth is now going very! slow.. This normal? There's been like nearly no change in a week.. Except smaller branches starting to show inbeween nodes..
  18. M

    bag seed, first grow. what's your thoughts??

    I can't see any signs of it on my phone.. Looks sweet though! I wanna do some auto to chuck alongside next year.. Try some in April. And more early July :)