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  1. J

    Trim everything but main cola?

    Anyone else wanna chime in on this? Would really appreciate it
  2. J

    Trim everything but main cola?

    I am in week 10 of flowering and plant is about ready. My question is can i trim all the branches excpet for the main cola? Figuring it will concentrate everything into the cola for the last week. Will this shock the plant too bad, will it decrease trichomes and potency? Thank everyone
  3. J

    Very Tips of leaves yellow???

    Goodshit...that's what I wanna hear. I would be happy if I come out with an ounce. Whatcha think? Anybody wanna makes some guesses on how much it will yield?
  4. J

    Very Tips of leaves yellow???

    Hey colonuggs, That is a beautiful plant...Sweet. So I shouldn't change anything? Distance of light? Temp?
  5. J

    Very Tips of leaves yellow???

    Here are a few pictures.
  6. J

    Very Tips of leaves yellow???

    I am in my 7th week of flowering and almost all the leaves on the plant have yellow tips...The entire plant looks healthy as can be...dark green leaves, lots of buds, and loaded with trichomes:weed:. I have a 175 watt metal halide light about 12-16 inches above it and a heater that...
  7. J

    Plant pulled out of soil....HELP!!!!

    Hey everyone...just wanted to update. She is doing well again. These picturea are from a a couple days ago. I added a metal halide light and she has doubled her bud sizes.
  8. J

    Plant pulled out of soil....HELP!!!!

    I want to thank everyone for the advice. She is drooping like crazy right now. looks weak...
  9. J

    Plant pulled out of soil....HELP!!!!

    Ok, have already replanted. Thanks guys for the quick response. This baby was smelling so damn skunky too. Do you think it will stress her into a hermie? She was outta soil for a couple hours but it was night time. I just fed her earlier in the day, and watered after i replanted. what are...
  10. J

    Plant pulled out of soil....HELP!!!!

    Hey eveyone, this has been my first time growing and started with 2 plants. I'm down to one, because one was a male. I have been putting so much time asnd effort into this plant. Well, me and my ole lady got into and she pulled her outta the soil. Man was she I Anyhow...
  11. J

    Male or Female???

    Nope, the balls are tightly grouped and are not hanging. Almost look empty too.
  12. J

    Smoke one for me

    Smoke one for me
  13. J

    Male or Female???

    I know right...all pics are same plant
  14. J

    Male or Female???

    Hello everyone, I am new to the growing scene and would really appreciate any help and advice anyone can offer. I have two plants at this time and just started flowering about 3 days ago. Can someone verify that this is a male plant? At the top it looks like a bud forming but it also seems to...
  15. J

    Help Please...leaves browning, yellowing

    so if I use fish emulsion to feed how do i counteract the ph offset? should i add lime whenever i add the fish emulsion?
  16. J

    Help Please...leaves browning, yellowing

    Just had the soil tested. One plant is at 6.1 ph and .22 for conductivity (EC) nutrients The second plant was at 6.8 ph and .68 conductivity (EC) nutrients. Let me know any opinions...
  17. J

    Help Please...leaves browning, yellowing

    yup, actually drilled holes in bottom for drainage and some up the sides to help air the soil
  18. J

    Help Please...leaves browning, yellowing

    is there a way to test soil ph with test strips for a swimming pool?
  19. J

    Help Please...leaves browning, yellowing

    Will be getting ph tested tomorrow.
  20. J

    Help Please...leaves browning, yellowing

    Im not sure what strain they are. Im hoping something really Not sure of the type of soil, something from the local co-op store. Just regular soil...not potting soil. I water about once maybe twice a week. Less now that they ar ein 5 gallon buckets. 2 four ft. flourescent...