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  1. J

    Plant pulled out of soil....HELP!!!!

    LOL...You're freaking hilarious. Not everyone is out to get over on someone. Obviously you have been gotten over on many times. If you're not interested in helping someone, stay off the forums. Apparently you didn't realize this post was from 6 years ago. Anyhow, the plant wasn't stolen...
  2. J

    To Flower or Not To Flower?

    Thanks for all the advice and suggestions fellas. Here's another pic of my 9lb. Blackberry plant. Just took these pictures today. Last night I switched my light schedule before I had a chance to read the lastest posts. I'm going right back to 18/6 tonight for another couple weeks. Shouldn't...
  3. J

    To Flower or Not To Flower?

    I've noticed a few pre flowers. Does this indicate it's time to flower?
  4. J

    To Flower or Not To Flower?

    Thank you. This is my second grow. First grow went really nice. Here's a picture from my first grow. Both times was only one plant. Found a seed in a bag each time
  5. J

    To Flower or Not To Flower?

    I'm in FFOF soil currently, since the transplant I did 1 week ago. I am not trying to produce trees, but rather just a short bushy plant. Currently doing some low stress training to achieve bud sites that are at the same height. I am switching to 12/12 tomorrow, because my understanding is...
  6. J

    To Flower or Not To Flower?

    I'm growing in soil in a 3 gallon bucket in a spare room I have available. I topped it about 2 weeks ago, and transplanted about a week ago. Currently do some low stress training to achieve bud sites that are at the same height. When I transplanted, I went into FFOF and plan to feed fish...
  7. J

    To Flower or Not To Flower?

    Hey All, I've had this plant going for roughly 7 weeks, and am considering switching to flowering. Any advice or suggestions? I am still very new to this. Thanks
  8. J

    Help with 9lb. Blackberry Plant

    Okay, so I take it that everyone has different opinions on PH? LOL Anyhow, I just wanted to update since yesterday evening. I turned the lights off for roughly 6.5-7 hrs and plant looked droopy in the a.m., and by the time I got home she looks better than ever, with the exception of the...
  9. J

    Help with 9lb. Blackberry Plant

    Tonight the lights are going off. For 6-7 hours? Also, do you think it looks like it needs water or no water? Thanks again
  10. J

    Help with 9lb. Blackberry Plant

    Thanks for the heads up
  11. J

    Help with 9lb. Blackberry Plant

    Thanks for all the advice and knowledge drsaltzman. I’ll probably be picking up some of the fox farm as that seems to be a reputable soil. Thanks again.
  12. J

    Help with 9lb. Blackberry Plant

    Im going to try this tonight and hope for the best. I thought that it could possibly need rest, but my previous (only other grow) I did 24 hrs. of light at first and it worked great. Thank for the advice.
  13. J

    Help with 9lb. Blackberry Plant

    The plant doesn’t weigh 9lbs. That’s the strain. Cross between 9lb. Hammer and Blackberry Kush.
  14. J

    Help with 9lb. Blackberry Plant

    Should I use a different soil when I transplant to a larger pot?
  15. J

    Help with 9lb. Blackberry Plant

  16. J

    Help with 9lb. Blackberry Plant

    Dry? I just watered it yesterday.
  17. J

    Help with 9lb. Blackberry Plant

    Are you thinking they need rest? I did notice some purplish coloring in the stem. Maybe inherent to the strain?
  18. J

    Help with 9lb. Blackberry Plant

    Nothing special. It is a compost and soil mix from a place my stepson works. They sell bulk dirt, top soil, mulch, stuff like that. This is one of there better mixes. No idea of nutrient levels and stuff like that
  19. J

    Help with 9lb. Blackberry Plant

    Here's a couple pictures without the HPS light. Notice the first pic here, how the leaf is dark green with some light green in it. Please help. This strain is awesome
  20. J

    Help with 9lb. Blackberry Plant

    Hello all, I am fairly new to growing. I've had one successful grow and am having problems with this 9lb. Blackberry Plant. I just starting using a 250watt HPS light and was barely watering until yesterday (was trying anything), when I watered. I used fish emulsion once about a week and a...