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  1. bongedman929

    DOes anyone else like that slowed chopped and screwed when stoned?
  2. bongedman929

    DOes anyone else like that slowed chopped and screwed when stoned?

    This is my hometown, Breckenridge, Colorado...
  3. bongedman929

    DOes anyone else like that slowed chopped and screwed when stoned?

    DAM you live in summit county?!?!?1
  4. bongedman929

    This is why I gave up alcohol (hard drug) for pot

    that shits crazy, they are hard core drinkers at family functions yet smoking the herb that isnt nearly as harmful or dangerous as alcohol is still looked down upon...i feel ya man that blows
  5. bongedman929

    DOes anyone else like that slowed chopped and screwed when stoned?

    where you living now brontpobrandon?
  6. bongedman929

    DOes anyone else like that slowed chopped and screwed when stoned?

    Ive been stoning for a couple of years now and when i first started i hated rapp music, i couldnt stand it, but then i moved to Texas and can honestly rap is awesome but i love to listen to Chopped and screwed rap cause its just so dank, any one like chopped and screwed Chopped and...
  7. bongedman929

    whats the STUPIDIEST sh*t ( not craziest ) thing you have done stoned?

    I have to agree with mysticclown when i smoke im in control and am all there, if i do something stupid its cause i dont care, the only time ive done something stupid is start yelling at people in the parking lot to the movies, i was calling people names of people they looked like...idk
  8. bongedman929

    Travelling / Flying With Cannabis ( Do you??)

    dam you guyz are always saying how you got randomly searched...but ive never been searched at the airport in my life, and if i smuggle i keep the weed in a pocket with nothing else and then i take off all my metal and then walk through no sweat ive done an eighth like this before
  9. bongedman929

    Stealthy ways

    :hump:my z71 chevy truck has a nice stash spot if you lift up the cupholders with a key than theres the spot:hump::hump:
  10. bongedman929

    what are you smoking??

    im smoking exactly wat Blueberry is smoking or at least my shit looks just like that
  11. bongedman929

    Smoked so much that....

    i wanna do that but the KGB i have just knocks you on your ass and then i just sit and chill and think
  12. bongedman929

    Is computer programmer a good job for a major pothead?

    i got the job PERFECT FOR A MAJOR STONER!!! just get a job in the kitchen, maybe go to a cooking school, when i was 17 i was a prep cook for a mountain resort that did weddings, i was making 1000$ every two weeks, it was fucking amazing and a good place for weed is in colorado, its legal there
  13. bongedman929

    Smoked so much that....

    yeah today is my day "off", so im not gonna light up today, ill save that till tomomorw
  14. bongedman929

    Smoked so much that....

    its great weed
  15. bongedman929

    Smoked so much that....

    since i have awoken today, i have lighten up 5 times today. i lit up this morning with a joint and then chilled and then smoked another about two hours later and then proceed to 830 when i smoked a blunt and then watched a movie and then smoked another blunt, and then another bowl with a friend...
  16. bongedman929

    started some mango bud grow...hummmm

    ive smoked some of that before its dankness
  17. bongedman929

    Bud worm vs Ant

    catapillar got his ass kicked
  18. bongedman929

    Where's everone from?

    BCS, TX a Bad motherfucker college town
  19. bongedman929

    the wackness

    its a movie about a pot dealer...its good,
  20. bongedman929


    that kind of thinking is dangerous and its the type of thinking that gets people killed, trust me im a professional