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  1. G

    Imagine Obama saying this

    Yeah ok.....lost boy
  2. G

    Imagine Obama saying this

    No one said we had to be like them, or like they other countries that are our allies, you know in Turkey they do the exact same things but not a peep about that.....they can however be a useful ally against terrorism. Wake up
  3. G

    Imagine Obama saying this

    What did you think was going to happen when the Obama administration "hacked" the Russian elections? Oh that didn't happen? Talk about destroying trust, but no, that can not be the reason why he does what he does. All the Russian people do not hate Putin
  4. G

    Trump's first military raid: "Almost everything went wrong". 2 Americans dead

    and you are ignorant only on days that end in "y" *yawns*
  5. G

    Democrats in the Senate who voted to confirm Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State

    These will be the very few of the minority of Democrat Senators to be re-elected. I will let the secret out and clue you folks in on something. The retired people of America, the people who actually put Trump in office, that's right the 4pm Supper, blue hair crowd are engaged in a massive letter...
  6. G

    Trump's first military raid: "Almost everything went wrong". 2 Americans dead

    oh I am sorry PCXV.....I didn't realize the only perfect person on earth who has not ever done anything wrong was reading apologies. Grow Up
  7. G

    Imagine Obama saying this

    Sounds to me like someone who actually understands the problem and wants to fix it. Why do you all hate Russia so much? Is it Racism? Let me break it down for you........Axis powers...Germany, Italy, Japan....all our "closest Allies" But for some reason Russia who was our ALLY, and then our...
  8. G

    Trump's first military raid: "Almost everything went wrong". 2 Americans dead

    I thought about it.....and I guess you didn't get the memo, the "flag wavers" did figure it out. By calling the US," terrorists" you are suggesting we shouldn't love our country and what it stands for. Furthermore, I have determined you are ignorant and any opinion you have about our countries'...
  9. G

    Trump's first military raid: "Almost everything went wrong". 2 Americans dead

    I guess you missed this part earlier? "To assume that I think that the other people who lost their lives do not matter and that ANY loss of life is not indeed a tragedy is frankly offensive. To try and profile me into some category that does not place value on all life through the use of...
  10. G

    Trump's first military raid: "Almost everything went wrong". 2 Americans dead

    Except for the first sentence this is on target. Mattis would not allow Trump to stage anything. He would resign before agreeing to do anything that would dishonor the American military.
  11. G

    Trump's first military raid: "Almost everything went wrong". 2 Americans dead

    What makes you think I don't want you to mention those things? I asked why did you use profiling and age discrimination as proof of your point. It seems finding discrimination, bigotry, and profiling in others comes easily to you. Not so much, when it comes to your own prejudices? Who were the...
  12. G

    Trump's first military raid: "Almost everything went wrong". 2 Americans dead

    UncleBuck using your logic what was an 8yr old female American Citizen learning from her Parents or Guardians in that heavily fortified terrorist base in Yemen. You sound like the alt-right on one of their rants I find it amusing no one else called you out on that, but I will because that is...
  13. G

    Trump's first military raid: "Almost everything went wrong". 2 Americans dead

    I have not purposefully ignored anything in their respective backgrounds. I did not say that I agree or disagree with either of them and what I know of their beliefs. Obama went through a number of cabinet positions during his tenure, who is to say, beyond Trump himself, why they are "really"...
  14. G

    Trump's first military raid: "Almost everything went wrong". 2 Americans dead

    UncleBuck, I respect you and your right to have an opinion, even if it is willfully ignorant in this case. You at least ask the right questions, in that respect you are just like Steve Bannon, and unfortunately, just like him your conclusions are often way outside the 10 ring. On a side note...
  15. G

    Trump's first military raid: "Almost everything went wrong". 2 Americans dead

    The only thing that "failed" in this mission is that it was leaked. That this young man died in service to his country is indeed a tragedy and life changing event for his family who must go on now with out him. We mourn with them and pray for them. Do not call this a "failed" mission though...
  16. G

    Trump is a Patriot

    This wasn't planned last week, last month, or last year. Do you think people who voted for Trump did so not knowing there was a high probability he was going to be impeached or forced to resign? They are playing chess not checkers.
  17. G

    Breeding Insights Help

    I have a breeding project I want to try to work on from F1 breeding stock. Before I get into details let me say up front this is going to be a completely screwed up and time consuming project from what I have read and that it may take me a life time to complete and most accomplished breeders...
  18. G

    defoliation when in flower

    .I think i should have made my first post in the "new grower" threads. Not that I am a new grower it just seems my questioning is basic. I do have to agree with part of what you said Bobcajun, about the yield, it seems the plant doubles up if a leaf is removed and that's why i do it. I am just...
  19. G

    defoliation when in flower

    Fair enough. Thanks for the input. I now have another acronym I can use to make complete sentences. Something like this....Idk smh tldr lol.
  20. G

    defoliation when in flower

    Hmmmm....half my post was it is..woohooo copy and paste is great I thought a leaf was just one more thing the plant had to keep alive when it should be concentrating on growing bud. I mean if the plants' buds needed those mature leaves why would the buds have sugar leaves? But...