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  1. G

    Trump's first military raid: "Almost everything went wrong". 2 Americans dead

    WTF kind of nonsense is that. Who is stealing what? Covetousness is not becoming.
  2. G

    Imagine Obama saying this

    Experience in being stupid is just that. I guess that's why it comes so easy to you. Maybe you had to say that to make yourself feel better after posting this. That same attitude is what started all the terrorist trouble in the world. A few Islamic extremists are what brought down the towers...
  3. G

    Imagine Obama saying this

    Rule #5 what's it like to have a tiny penis that is unsatisfying to women? I don't know? If you had first hand knowledge would you tell anyone? Answer that first.
  4. G

    Trump's first military raid: "Almost everything went wrong". 2 Americans dead

    Finally a well thought out and articulate argument and I agreed more than you might think on a philosophical level. I can't say don't cross our border, while we continue to post job openings south of the border. I can't say don't hack our election while we hack elections around the world. I...
  5. G

    Trump's first military raid: "Almost everything went wrong". 2 Americans dead

    You are right I did say #5 its actually #2. Rule #5 is ridicule #2 is do not go outside expertise. Thanks for the correction. What did you agree with me on I missed it when you went back to ridicule.
  6. G

    Imagine Obama saying this

    Rule #5 “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions. What you said is nothing more than that.
  7. G

    Imagine Obama saying this

    What part did I miss, do you not know who the opposition is? Oh yeah, they are valiant freedom fighters fighting against an oppressive regime. You really are a child.
  8. G

    Imagine Obama saying this

    Stop PCXV even your supporters are shaking their heads at how ignorant you make yourself look. I trust ZERO media. However if you listen and read "all" sides you might actually find the truth. "No way that Putin would ever tell Russians we tried to hack them to demonize us, right?" you have...
  9. G

    Trump's first military raid: "Almost everything went wrong". 2 Americans dead

    Rule #5 Never go outside the expertise of your people.” It results in confusion, fear and retreat. Feeling secure adds to the backbone of anyone. The views you expressed here beyond "Nobody can say what the flag means to other people. There's nothing to disagree with there." are pure...
  10. G

    Imagine Obama saying this

    It shows terrorist bombings that's it. Thanks for the correction spell check Nazi. I have found both perfect people on earth now.
  11. G

    Imagine Obama saying this

    If you could read Russian you could get your source easily. Oh you think the United States Government leaks that info and its in the press? I guess I could try to find old news articles from the 80's showing where we did it all over Central and South America though I doubt it is digital. You...
  12. G

    Trump's first military raid: "Almost everything went wrong". 2 Americans dead

    No you were pimped. Now get back out on that corner and bring me my money.
  13. G

    Imagine Obama saying this

    I don't buy Trump's or your lie's. Both of you dish it out equally.
  14. G

    Imagine Obama saying this

    And this shows what? That Russia helped its Ally?
  15. G

    Imagine Obama saying this

    Gee whiz, are you so naïve that you didn't know America has been "hacking" elections all over the world for the last 72 years? I did not say I wanted to be like Russia. I said they would be a useful ally against terrorism. There is political dissent in every country with a government. At least...
  16. G

    Democrats in the Senate who voted to confirm Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State

    I don't know? If you had first hand knowledge would you tell anyone?
  17. G

    Trump's first military raid: "Almost everything went wrong". 2 Americans dead

    RULES FOR RADICALS Rule #5.“Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions. You guys! Pimping is easy!
  18. G

    Imagine Obama saying this

    As quick as your replies were I thought it might be an actual conversation. Apparently not. Sorry.
  19. G

    Imagine Obama saying this

    Russia has been fighting terrorism for longer than we have.....Afganistan. Oh you thought they invaded them to take all their natural resources, maybe the opium fields? I would imagine they are there to protect their interests there. Or you thought the Patriot missile batteries were there for...