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  1. Veritas0609

    First Hydro DWC Grow / 400w MH

    bump, about to post more pictures. Question, If I do not have access to an in and out venting type system...will a carbon filter still work? Does there has to be a fan system pushing air through the carbon filter? Or just placing it there with a fan nearby will help the smell?
  2. Veritas0609

    **Need Help** Hydro Seed Germination Question

    Dampen a paper towerl, fold over seeds, throw them in a zip locked bag, put them in your drawer, wait 1-2 days and your good. Works every time for me. "reverse osmosis water with PH at 7.0 & small amount of nutrients".....u kiddin me? lol
  3. Veritas0609

    First Hydro DWC Grow / 400w MH

    Haven't posted in a while, long story short, they went into shock, some died, a few were growth stunted so I just have one healthy one left. Not really worried if it's male or female, just wanted to get a learning experience. This plant is way under developed for have been growing for well over...
  4. Veritas0609

    Question About DWC Net Pot Setup

    Pretty simple, should there be a layer of hydroton separating the rockwool from the netpot bottom? My setup looks like "B"...should it look like "A"?
  5. Veritas0609

    Question About a pH/EC Meter For Sale

    nevermind, I think thats just for the packet of solution
  6. Veritas0609

    Question About a pH/EC Meter For Sale A 3 in 1 meter for 6 bucks? Am I reading it incorrectly or something? These are worth like 200
  7. Veritas0609

    First Hydro DWC Grow / 400w MH

    ah ok, I figured since it was a 400w MH that it would burn the things. I like how i set it up next to my shelving, I just adjusted the shelf like 6 notches , hopefully this brings some results.
  8. Veritas0609

    First Hydro DWC Grow / 400w MH

    i just dug one up to check the root growth, and its still a tiny tail sticking out of the rockwool like the 2nd day it sprouted. I've seen pictures of other dwc seedlings that have long roots hanging out of the netpots. Is this normal?
  9. Veritas0609

    First Hydro DWC Grow / 400w MH

    I came home to find the seedling in the rockwool all drooped over and its stem as flimsy as spagetti. So i tried to prop up the noodle but it ended up dieing...o well. As far as the rest grow everything looks fine, I'm just wondering why my seem to be growing so tall yet slow leaf growth, ive...
  10. Veritas0609

    First Hydro DWC Grow / 400w MH

    I wish I could post a reference like "Day 3" but I'm not 100% positive when I actually started these things, I'll find out, just needa do a lil detective work. But either way they are doing fine, just getting taller by the day.
  11. Veritas0609

    hydro regs

    I think he means the bag seed you get from shitty ass shwagg/brick weed
  12. Veritas0609

    First Hydro DWC Grow / 400w MH

    hey, yea I see what you mean, I figure there will be some males and if not I don't think I'll grow all 6, 7 if you count the one just chillin in a rockwool cube. I just did this to ensure if some fail, I have a backup. If your constantly filling up the tank to feed the plants, how do you...
  13. Veritas0609

    First Hydro DWC Grow / 400w MH

    Hey everyone, first time growing in a DWC setup. Just cleaned the bucket from all the nasty hydroton dust, washed the hydroton thoroughly, and measured out exactly 8 gallons of water so that it is about a half inch from the net pots. The 35 gallon bucket I bought at Wal-mart was just too big...
  14. Veritas0609

    First Time Grow, with Bag Seed

    Just switched the 14w for a 26w one at walmart for 5 bucks. Are 26w the max cfl you can get? Seemed to be the trend in all the stores i went to.
  15. Veritas0609

    First Time Grow, with Bag Seed

    Ok here is the setup with a 14w CFL, just ordered a 400w MH on ebay yesterday. Just took this picture of the plant, I notice the true leaves are both kinda warped...or bent, is that ok?
  16. Veritas0609

    First Time Grow, with Bag Seed

    trust me i've done my research, just certain picky details like this i like to get clarified from multiple growers
  17. Veritas0609

    First Time Grow, with Bag Seed

    ok, I just installed a 14w CFL hanging above the cup, I guess that will do for seedling stage
  18. Veritas0609

    First Time Grow, with Bag Seed

    when you say water your seedling, do you mean pour in a decent amount to soak in all of the soil? I have been just getting faucet water, and dribbing droplets from my hand onto the surface getting the top layer moist. I fear of over watering the lil guy.
  19. Veritas0609

    First Time Grow, with Bag Seed

    yea well I'm ordering a 150w HPS soon, and will be vegging in this area, then flowering in a more spacious place. Air flow seems to be good, as there is an open spot in the floor twards the rear.
  20. Veritas0609

    First Time Grow, with Bag Seed

    Using a stupid mechanic's flourescent light now, but thinking about ordering a 150HPS setup soon, think that will do for growing one plant? Another question, how often should i be watering this seedling, and how much water each time. Thanks!