First Time Grow, with Bag Seed


Active Member

Using a stupid mechanic's flourescent light now, but thinking about ordering a 150HPS setup soon, think that will do for growing one plant?

Another question, how often should i be watering this seedling, and how much water each time.



Active Member
yea well I'm ordering a 150w HPS soon, and will be vegging in this area, then flowering in a more spacious place. Air flow seems to be good, as there is an open spot in the floor twards the rear.


Well-Known Member
you should water the seedling every 2 days they like they soil moist\, as it sprouts roots you should water less, like every 3 to 4 days, and you should move the light closer till you get the new one


Active Member
when you say water your seedling, do you mean pour in a decent amount to soak in all of the soil? I have been just getting faucet water, and dribbing droplets from my hand onto the surface getting the top layer moist. I fear of over watering the lil guy.


Well-Known Member
heyy man dont use ur hand... what i do is get a spray bottle and just put it on mist. that way u can control how much u put on it... later man


Well-Known Member
imo, never keep the soil soggy or wet, let it fully dry out or you invite mold problems.


Well-Known Member
Using a stupid mechanic's flourescent light now, but thinking about ordering a 150HPS setup soon, think that will do for growing one plant? Another question, how often should i be watering this seedling, and how much water each time.
Dude, spend some time reading the GrowFAQ. It covers all of the fundamentals and will answer pretty much any newbie question that you can think of. You'll be much better off spending some time reading that than by posting a thread and waiting for responses.


Active Member
trust me i've done my research, just certain picky details like this i like to get clarified from multiple growers


Active Member
Ok here is the setup with a 14w CFL, just ordered a 400w MH on ebay yesterday.

Just took this picture of the plant, I notice the true leaves are both kinda warped...or bent, is that ok?



Active Member
Just switched the 14w for a 26w one at walmart for 5 bucks.

Are 26w the max cfl you can get? Seemed to be the trend in all the stores i went to.