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  1. CDN Kid

    TIps and Advice

    i'd get yourself a 400 or 600 watt mh. water every 3 days with distilled water
  2. CDN Kid

    2 x 150w hps 53 days flower w/pics *BAGSEED*

    nice buds man. + rep
  3. CDN Kid

    clones from flowering...

    water every few days
  4. CDN Kid

    Side-By-Side Cloning: Gel vs Liquid, Cubes vs Pellets

    take like 4-6 inch cuttings, dip it in water then cover the bottom cm with the powder, and put it into the peat pots I have prepared. gotta make sure the soil is wet before you put the clone in. then mist the cutting a bit, give it a tiny bit of water, and put them into a humid dome for a week.
  5. CDN Kid

    Side-By-Side Cloning: Gel vs Liquid, Cubes vs Pellets

    yea sure, here's a few pix from one of my more recent grows. using a 430 w hps
  6. CDN Kid

    do you think he will fail?

    definitely good to go
  7. CDN Kid

    Side-By-Side Cloning: Gel vs Liquid, Cubes vs Pellets

    I use a powder. it's called stim-root. i get about 90-95 percent success rate with my clones. love it
  8. CDN Kid


    ive gotten one or 2 during my first couple grows way back when lol. but im sure it was because i was toying with them and watering and feeding schedules way too much.
  9. CDN Kid

    What to do with post-harvest waste?

    i like the art idea. take all the large fan leaves and spread em out over a table them get a big piece if glass cut to fit over the table and glue it down on the sides and you've got a nice weed leaf table lol.
  10. CDN Kid


    i dont worry about heat at all. i put the plate of germinating seeds in a cupboard or closet or something where it's dark.
  11. CDN Kid


    well, just like with people, if it has female and male parts its a hermie. LOL if its got little green balls and little white hairs...its a hermie
  12. CDN Kid


    i have amazing succes with this easy method... 1. get a shot glass and half fill with water 2. put the seeds you want germinated into the shot glass and let sit overnight in a dark place 3. the next day, fold 2 paper towels together in half and pour the glass with the water and the seeds into...
  13. CDN Kid


    Couldn't have said it better myself. great post
  14. CDN Kid

    hefta's AUTO-MEGA-MIX-SAGA episode 1

    dude this is outta control!!!! new pics look amazing!
  15. CDN Kid

    anyone help are these ready

    yea id say another couple weeks and they should be ready to go.
  16. CDN Kid

    How bad is the stink and how can I get rid of it

    incense and ozium work great. light some incense in your livin room or front hall. spray a bit of the ozium in the morning outside the grow room
  17. CDN Kid

    The Best Way to Buy Seeds? have fun! lol
  18. CDN Kid

    Side-By-Side Cloning: Gel vs Liquid, Cubes vs Pellets

    niiice lookin plants dude. + rep for the experiment lol
  19. CDN Kid

    Operation Johnny Appleseed

    wowww I love it. Canadians should get in on this too! shorter outdoor growing season but it's still very nice in most areas. Let's get North America green!!!
  20. CDN Kid

    cfl growing CHEAP

    oh man yea 8 would be plenty. put like 4-6 plants in there. that'd be a nice little cfl grow. make sure u get a fan too.