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  1. rolledupdriver

    White paint in flower chamber of cab; advice needed please.

    yeah my ikea drawers are flat white saved me a couple $, works great too.
  2. rolledupdriver

    SEA OF BLUE. Blue Cheese by eightenough

    ooooh lawdy, im subbed. Looking nice and tight, keep it up.
  3. rolledupdriver

    yeah found that out the hard way, i only read the part with june and thought it lasted all month...

    yeah found that out the hard way, i only read the part with june and thought it lasted all month thanks anyways
  4. rolledupdriver

    B.C. - Kelowna's Top Cop Slams Marijuana Sentencing

    I can't stand these kinds of cops, blinded by their own shit.
  5. rolledupdriver

    some dank photo's i have taken.

    I myself like photography. using canon eos xsi 1000D, how about you?
  6. rolledupdriver

    Obama "firmly opposes" legalization

    Yes and maybe france too, here weed on a judicial level is treated like crack, coke, meth, but that would'nt happen until at least 10 years after the US does it because france has always been a slow follower.
  7. rolledupdriver

    What are you ordering for Attitude June Offer?

    yeah im ordering right now, very good offer.
  8. rolledupdriver

    reveging and moving outside question

    leave them when they reveg and start to bud again they will make nice fat buds
  9. rolledupdriver

    First Grow - CFL's - LST - Bagseed - Rubbermaid Stealth Box - Low budget - *PICS*

    I myself have a canon eos 1000d, and enjoy taking pictures of bud, I also enjoy these high quality pics always makes me happy to see quality growing.
  10. rolledupdriver

    Keeping the animals away!

    Thanks for the replies, ill try some of those.
  11. rolledupdriver

    Keeping the animals away!

    I pee around the perameter of the grow, ive put up chickenwire string but my crop still gets eaten every night, out of the 7 crops i planted only 3 are left, which i had to put back in pots and take home with me for the time being. Apart from getting a gun and guarding my plants 24/7 what else...
  12. rolledupdriver

    JP's Cabinet Grow

    Very nice outcome, good to see a decent yield with this amount of lights ill be using 2 6400k 125w cfl's for mine in about the same grow space as yours.
  13. rolledupdriver

    Fish Tank Weed

    lolwuttt is that came to my mind when i saw this, hey its an interesting idea, cheap. If I were you id invest in more lights, more lights = more bud.
  14. rolledupdriver

    Stones Journal

    hey watching your cfl grow with success had made me decide to get more lights for my upcoming growcab. probably gonna get x4 125w cfl lights. Your an inspiration to small time cfl growers.
  15. rolledupdriver

    CFL Reflector

    I come with a question the other day i was buying a 125wat cfl lights for my pc grow box, what i didnt realize at the time was that, I cant find those cfl to power socket adapters (I live in France) when i was at my local hydroponics store i saw a cfl reflector for 8euros I little like this...
  16. rolledupdriver

    Complete Grow Box - 150 HPS

    To grow in small area's and still get a decent harvest you need to train them LST (low stress training) works wonders, also a grill can help. You can train your plants to grow in almost any kind of space just requires the right training
  17. rolledupdriver

    Subs 2010 Organic Outdoor Grow - White Widow, Hollands Hope & Schweed

    For your cfl's are you using cfl lead plugs that plug into the wall?
  18. rolledupdriver

    First Gorrilla Grow Journal 97 seeds

    damn bro they are probably only watching for now, if they have spotted your green haven they will probably try to take it down near fall when it hurts the most.
  19. rolledupdriver

    Please, is this a Male? My fav one also....

    God damn look at dem balls, chop the males as everyone else has said already
  20. rolledupdriver

    List of groceries

    bagweed i plant on lst'ing them, proabably veg for 2 weeks and flower the rest if im not mistaken thats a common number. If my first grow is sucessful, ill buy an indica dominant strain not sure what yet though.