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  1. rolledupdriver

    LOW wattage CFL's VS HIGH wattage CFL's

    yeah for the big light im using a 6400k 125w lamp
  2. rolledupdriver

    LOW wattage CFL's VS HIGH wattage CFL's

    What I plan to do for my grow is use both, one big one and four smaller ones, can never have too many lights!
  3. rolledupdriver


    you can def tell the difference if you grind it up with your hands, never smoke that shit, disgusts me that low lives do this shit
  4. rolledupdriver


    This shit weed has been around for years, got my hands on some once, luckily a friend of mine let me know what it was when i was about to smoke it. Makes me sad, Its people who produce this kind of shit that gives cannabis such a bad name here in france, the majority of people here smoke hash...
  5. rolledupdriver

    Rolledupdrivers Ghetto outdoor/indoor grow 2010

    Thanks for the input but so far the bug problem has been taken care of, the bottle says i only need to spray it once a month, and so far so good, of course when they start to flower this will be a whole other issue.
  6. rolledupdriver

    Rolledupdrivers Ghetto outdoor/indoor grow 2010

    Hello this will be where I shall document my outdoor/ghetto indoor grow this year. Start date: June 15th Strain: Unknown bagseed from spain Comments and suggestions are welcome Quick follow up until now: After 1 week she was infested with mites, a little mite spray fixed that right up, also...
  7. rolledupdriver

    New BP Logo...

    Do you ship to europe? If so adult small
  8. rolledupdriver

    I made $700 smoking weed!

    "What, you think the stock market's some great mystery... beyond the reaIm of human understanding? Didn't you see the signs? I saw the signs." Yeah stock market is a great place to make money just needs a little bit of time... just like growing
  9. rolledupdriver

    Former Pot Smoker Sarah Palin Has Enlightened AttitudeTowards Weed

    Weed is for everyone, not just us potheads, but doesnt suprise me shes the kind of person who would of done it, I mean honestly who hasn't at least once in their lives today?
  10. rolledupdriver

    What age do you think people should start smoking weed?

    Personally I started freshman year in highschool as well so id say around there, Holding down a job while high now thats the way to roll I say.
  11. rolledupdriver

    New BP Logo...

    happy to cc, looks quite badass now
  12. rolledupdriver

    New BP Logo...

    The only thing i could say is make the brown a little darker and spot on, maybe add a dying bird covered in oil while your at it. But honestly this kind of shit disgusts me (BP I mean)
  13. rolledupdriver

    Blue prints in my mind

    Alright I just thought I was becoming obsessed with this good to see I'm not the only one.
  14. rolledupdriver

    Sex Or Drugs

    Well if shes ready to pleasure me multiple times a day, then i'd give up the drugs.
  15. rolledupdriver

    Blue prints in my mind

    Ever since I started growing, when I'm hiking (for pleasure), or at a friends house I start analyzing of what could potentially be done with the room or open area. As in how much it would cost in materials, how much plants I could fit in there. Does anyone else do this? Analyze their daily...
  16. rolledupdriver

    Ikea Grow cabinet

    125w cfl. The picture is of the flowering lamp
  17. rolledupdriver

    Ikea Grow cabinet

    Hello this thread will be used to document the building of my ikea grow cabnit, and also to get suggestions along the way. This is meant to be a stealthy grow, as my roomates dont approve of my growing. Anyways here is what i have so far. I still need to install ventillation, and reflective...
  18. rolledupdriver

    Keeping the animals away!

    Sounds like a racoon
  19. rolledupdriver

    12/12 from seed GROWERS UNITE!!

    I think this is a good method if you want to get some weed asap, and dont feel like waiting. After my first grow i will try this make comparisons.
  20. rolledupdriver

    Most Memorable Place You've Toked

    The old days of highschool smoking behind the school during lunch, just cause thats where all my smoking began.