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  1. H

    switching cycles

    i'll be so bummed if they turn out to be male....but this was my very very first try so we'll see! just bag seed (i know i know) but a girls gotta start somewhere (pun intended) :)
  2. H

    switching cycles

    Great!!! thank you so much :)
  3. H

    switching cycles

    i don't have any pics yet, i will try and post some...Thanks
  4. H

    switching cycles

    Thanks for the quick reply!!! when do think i should give them the first slug of nutes? i was thinking of gradually introducing....maybe starting with half the rec.amount? what do you think??? im trying to keep it really simple since this is my first time and i don't want to get discouraged :)
  5. H

    switching cycles

    Hi all, this is my first grow and i hope i didn't screw anything up!! (i'm growing indoors with 400 mh for veg and 400 hps for my flower cycle) I veg'd for 4 wks (3 gallon cont) and realized how big my plants were (14") i only have two. i have used foxfarm ocean forest, watered only with...
  6. H

    yellow tips

    hi guys, ty for the welcome and the quick reply...i will try to get some pics but for right now i;ll try to xplain w/ more dets....all bottom and middle leaves are a beautiful lush green it was just towards the top the very tips of the leaves have yellow. i had my light about 16" from her and...
  7. H

    yellow tips

    can anyone tell me why i might have yellow tips on my plants