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  1. P

    Seedling with yellow starter leaf

    It's a geranium soil and have food in it. Ph is right and i didn't really care about the nuts. Not a smart move i guess. Anyway will the plant be affected greatly by this? Will she die?
  2. P

    Seedling with yellow starter leaf

    It's a red-dwarf from buddha seeds and it's autoflowering, currently at day 3 and under a 24/0 regimen.
  3. P

    First grow, ventilation issue

    Mh, okay but after all that will only be the passive intake, how do i install my exhaust without leaking light? Edit: i would say i will prefer an active intake with a passive exhaust as i'm planning on an exhaust with 2 metal screen with active charcoal in between.
  4. P

    First grow, ventilation issue

    Also, i didn't say i live in Italy : S
  5. P

    First grow, ventilation issue

    Well maybe, it depends if i will find it or not at my local hardware store. Anyway that's a very very smart way of doing it. Any other suggestion just in case i don't find anything?
  6. P

    First grow, ventilation issue

    Well with fans you have a significant light leak which results in lessen stealth. I wanna keep that as stealth as possible
  7. P

    First grow, ventilation issue

    For some problems i can't use fans to ventilate my growbox, will a acquarium air pump work just as well? Some pumps does up to 400 lt/h