First grow, ventilation issue

For some problems i can't use fans to ventilate my growbox, will a acquarium air pump work just as well? Some pumps does up to 400 lt/h


Active Member
Why not use a ~70CFM pc fan? They can be pretty quiet. A commercial air pump will be much louder than a low power fan and not be nearly as effective. More details on your situation may help us come up with better solutions!
Why not use a ~70CFM pc fan? They can be pretty quiet. A commercial air pump will be much louder than a low power fan and not be nearly as effective. More details on your situation may help us come up with better solutions!
Well with fans you have a significant light leak which results in lessen stealth. I wanna keep that as stealth as possible


Active Member
Here's my light trap. It's ingenious if I do say so myself.

Inside the closet it's painted super flat white for reflectivity. Outside is the normal stain finish, I plan to darken it eventually to blend in with the grill more.



Any chance of doing something similar to your box?

It's 16x8" passive intake for a 6" round exhaust system. Cool air comes in the bottom, flows over the plants, into the cooltube, cools the bulb and goes into the attic forever bye bye!

In pitch black you can barely see a glow from the 400W MH in the closet.. on the flip side there is no way possible for me to put light into the closet unless I run HIDs and point it at it and even then it would be less than a full moons worth.


Active Member
They have them at Lowe's and the Depot for sure. They have all sizes, small square and round ones up to even larger ones designed for central AC units. If you can mount one you can find one that is appropriate. They are like 2 bucks each too. ;)
They have them at Lowe's and the Depot for sure. They have all sizes, small square and round ones up to even larger ones designed for central AC units. If you can mount one you can find one that is appropriate. They are like 2 bucks each too. ;)
Also, i didn't say i live in Italy : S


Active Member
Hah, well they are common things. They are used for AC duct covers, dryer vents, etc. Any decent hardware store will have metal or plastic grills that have downsloping fins to block light.
Mh, okay but after all that will only be the passive intake, how do i install my exhaust without leaking light?

Edit: i would say i will prefer an active intake with a passive exhaust as i'm planning on an exhaust with 2 metal screen with active charcoal in between.