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  1. LifelongStudent

    Hi Folks. Help me out, will ya?

    Also as for nutes I have Advanced Nutrients Jungle Juice Grow, Age Old Bloom, and Neptune's Harvest Fish Fertilizer. Just some stuff from a friends leftovers. Will this work? I don't plan on vegging long, maybe 2-3 weeks then to 12/12 so if I use a good soil will I even need to administer the...
  2. LifelongStudent

    Hi Folks. Help me out, will ya?

    Ok, cool. I don't believe cooling will be an issue with the fans I'm getting but I guess we'll see. Thanks for replying.
  3. LifelongStudent

    Hi Folks. Help me out, will ya?

    So, this is my first attempt at a CFL stealth style micro grow. My first attempt with CFL's period. I have a filing cabinet with two full drawers and a smaller drawer at the top for small office supplies. I'm going to be keeping the bottom drawer and top drawer intact and I've stripped the door...