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  1. LifelongStudent

    Filing Cabinet Micro Grow

    No, they're in FFOF soil.
  2. LifelongStudent

    Filing Cabinet Micro Grow

    So, I switched them to 12/12 on 12/26. No signs of sex yet but they're a bit stressed from a bit of light burn and I believe the droopy one to be over watered a bit. Should I pull the burnt leaf off or leave it be? Maybe just cut off the damage? I'm happy with the way they look other than that...
  3. LifelongStudent

    Harvest?v Trich Pic~60 days flowering

    Yeah, you'd see aphids on the stalks and leaves. I'm leaning towards predator mite for that little guy, but again, I'm not an expert. You may try posting it into the "Bugs" subsection of plant problems. Good luck and I hope you get it sorted. Happy growing.
  4. LifelongStudent

    Harvest?v Trich Pic~60 days flowering

    I'm no expert by far so I'm not sure if the orange thing was a thrip, or spider mite or what. I think when thrips become adults they are a rust brown/orange color but I never let them get that far when I see them so I couldn't say for certain. As far as sterilization I would say yes, after this...
  5. LifelongStudent

    Harvest?v Trich Pic~60 days flowering

    Actually, Aphids are green and thrips are white (at least I've only seen them white). That actually looks like a predator mite though which would indicate that you do have or did have some sort of insect problem. The group shot is the life cycle of thrips and the other one is a predator mite.
  6. LifelongStudent

    Filing Cabinet Micro Grow

    Here's a couple pictures from tonight. I think they look a bit dried out, should I mist them or just let them be?
  7. LifelongStudent

    Filing Cabinet Micro Grow

    Not really. I don't really plan on doing much else to it except putting the exhaust fan in, and I may build a SCRog screen soon. The area it's in stays 100% dark during the dark period and the ambient temp in the room stays around 55-60 so inside the box stays really cool as it is with the fan...
  8. LifelongStudent

    Filing Cabinet Micro Grow

    Tonight marks one week of 24/0 light. Starting tomorrow they will be getting 18/6 for one more week then I'll be switching to 12/12. I'm on a bit of a time schedule and space is limited.
  9. LifelongStudent

    Weedburn's Microgrow Stealth grow, Very confined space.

    Anyway you could get a smaller fan to maximize space? A small computer fan maybe. I'm subbed.
  10. LifelongStudent

    Filing Cabinet Micro Grow

    I put a small drop of Superthrive into the water and bubbled it for about 6 hours (7am-1pm) then I put them in paper towels and left them alone. By 7am the next morning they had 1-1.5cm taproots. So 24 hours and 2/3 success ratio for bagseed, I don't know if the aeration helped but it damn sure...
  11. LifelongStudent

    Filing Cabinet Micro Grow

    UPDATE!! 2/3 Bubba Kush bag seeds have germinated and are in FFOF soil. They're roughly an inch tall. The other did nothing so it was discarded (it was a pretty lightly colored seed so may have been immature anyway). I don't have any fans inside yet but there is one blowing into the holes on...
  12. LifelongStudent

    Filing Cabinet Micro Grow

    Sadly, not yet. I hit a snag with the location so I need to get that sorted before I proceed. Hopefully in the next few weeks I'll get it worked out but it's entirely possible that it may take until 2014 for this grow to really take off. I want to save up to make super soil anyway so that will...
  13. LifelongStudent

    Filing Cabinet Micro Grow

    chibzilla: Yeah, the other pictures give a weird perspective. It does get much smaller though once the drawers and lights go in. I'm thinking I may do away with the top drawer too. Even though it's nice to have to tuck my wires into I could get 3" of space from it. I may actually do away with...
  14. LifelongStudent

    Filing Cabinet Micro Grow

    Got everything sanded down and started painting then I realized I forgot painters tape. I was pretty stoned when I went to get the paint. I got the back of the box done and the bottom of the top drawer. I'll have to get some tape before I can finish but here's what it looks like today.
  15. LifelongStudent

    Filing Cabinet Micro Grow

    I got paint this weekend but I can't find fans ANYWHERE around here. Gotta order one offline so I don't know when I'll be able to start seeds but it will happen eventually.
  16. LifelongStudent

    Filing Cabinet Micro Grow

    Not yet. I'm going to paint it tonight and get the fans installed then I'll start germinating. Sometime next week I should have a plant going. I picked up my soil a few days ago. Going to be using FFOF and I might pick up some happy frog if my local store has some, other wise just the FFOF. I...
  17. LifelongStudent

    Filing Cabinet Micro Grow

    Damn, that would suck to wake up to. I'll be sure to keep them close.
  18. LifelongStudent

    Filing Cabinet Micro Grow

    Yeah, I'm hoping the paint acts as a small barrier but we'll see how it goes. I'm going to look locally for fans sometime this weekend and if I can't find anything I'm going to try and order the one you showed me. I think that fan would be enough for my box and if not I can always order another...
  19. LifelongStudent

    Filing Cabinet Micro Grow

    I'm going with flat white paint. I've decided I don't want to deal with wrinkles and tearing from the mylar and I think it will look nicer. The BLaksmith: There is nothing DIY in the box so I'm not concerned with getting zapped. I didn't take the warmth of the metal into consideration but I...
  20. LifelongStudent

    Filing Cabinet Micro Grow

    Could you possibly link me to those fans? I can't find anything that small that isn't USB.