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  1. H

    DNA Sour Kush Feminized New Strain

    i also have 3 dna sour kush's going, the oldest one is about 3.5 weeks into flower, and it also looks nothing like OGkush's outdoor sour kush. mine started flowering with a bunch of white hairs everywhere. it looks more similar to silverhazefiends avatar. does anyone have pics of sour kush just...
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    official party cup growoff

    wow looks really nice. yea it looks like itd be really hard to maintain a good soil environment for the party cups, cause theyd likely be very sensitive to ph changes, nute levels, etc. what's your watering schedule look like? btw, I have 3 clones in party cups right now, so I'm re-entering...
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    Free Reserva Privada Sour Kush AKA Headband Feminized

    I have a dna sour kush 3 weeks into flower right now. I'm pretty excited to see how it turns out since my last grow was just bagseed
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    rumors we heard before we started growing

    I'm sorry but you can't compare natural rain to flushing. first of all, when you flush, the runoff is all wasted; it goes down some drain. natural rain on the other hand moistens the environment. unless we're talking flood rain, there is no "flushing" in nature. the water stays in the ground...
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    rumors we heard before we started growing

    don't nutrients stay in soil even after it rains? there's practically an entire ecosystem in natural soils. I've done taste tests as well and I taste no difference. but if there really is some scientific evidence, I would gladly change sides and flush my plants. I just don't want to get caught...
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    rumors we heard before we started growing

    if you guys can show me scientific evidence of flushing, then I'll believe it. Sorry, just because jorge cervantes says it doesn't make it fact. just because its chemical fertilizers doesn't mean the plant will taste like chemicals. the plants absorb what they need and convert it into energy...
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    rumors we heard before we started growing

    myths: flushing is necessary and if you don't, your plants will taste like chemicals. false, the taste comes with the dry/cure process. light leaks will cause hermies. also false(for the most part) light leaks from a distant 100w bulb is no where near powerful enough to cause your plant to...
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    official party cup growoff

    i sadly have to withdraw my entry. i noticed several roots poking out of small drainage holes at the bottom of my cup, and since i decided to go with an early harvest for my huge plants in hydro, I now have a lot of room in my grow tent. so I decided to transplant the party cup clone into a 2...
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    what to do with these 2 giant plants in DWC?

    alright so these are 2 cuttings taken from a chocolope plant that hermied. the mother was grown in soil. I flowered it and harvested it a few weeks ago with a total flowering time of 8 weeks. low-moderate yield as well as potency I don't anticipate any huge gains in weight/trichomes anytime...
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    official party cup growoff

    yea i wish i knew how to fix it and what was causing it. unfortunately, i dont. everything seems to be in order: ppms @ 900-1000, ph @ 5.6-5.9 w/ dyna-gro bloom nutes. I think I'm probably just going to harvest the plant early and use it all for butter
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    official party cup growoff

    single clone in a mix of roots organic, fox farm ocean forest, and some vermiculite. its sitting about 3-4 feet underneath a 600 watt hps. waiting to harvest 2 chocolopes in a dwc setup to the left. because of them and their crazy height, my light has to sit really high, and I barely have any...
  12. H

    forget ordering on line buy from your local grow shop!

    i think youre overgeneralizing all local stores. most of them mark up their products a ridiculous amount, their staff is usually inexperienced and talking out of their ass, and my store accepts no refunds, only exchanges for store credit to spend on other overpriced items. also, while you do...
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    Mourning a loss!!!!!

    you should still question them, and look for body language/non-verbal cues of lying. itd be better not to go off on an assumption, cause what if it wasn't them? do you think they stole it? or that they told some other friends of theirs who stole it? and how are you going to prevent this from...
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    Caught Growing! PC Setup?!

    i can't believe you just bumped a thread over a year old to comment on someones avatar...
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    Liquid Karma = Liquid Death?

    do you have your pH in check? people can easily confuse nute burn with an out-of-range pH
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    Help!! Dog pulled out a plant!!

    lets not go overboard about the dog punishment. just compare it to that eastern european teenage girl who was throwing puppies into a fast moving river
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    official party cup growoff

    moash, whered you get those trimmers in your avatar? i tried to pm you, but it says you dont accept them.
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    official party cup growoff

    yes. if the clones are going to waste anyways, why not just put it into flower? some people go 12/12 from seed and it works for them
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    official party cup growoff

    im down. I have some extra sour kush clones that I was going to have to throw away due to not enough space in flowering room for another 3 gallon pot, but I'm pretty sure I can squeeze in a 16 oz cup. the clones will be transplanted in about 3-4 days
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    2 x Super Lemon Haze - First Grow - Pictures of construction of Cupboard + Grow

    wow those buds are looking awesome. whens the next update?? and i cant believe youre already at 10 weeks. im guessing harvest is just around the corner?