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  1. stonyjester


    Took some more photo's today.. I only need 3 or 4 to be females ;)
  2. stonyjester


    I think there are about 30, I have hundreds from a plant that seeded out on me... The rest of the plants where very good... I will grow them until I have determined the sex, the grow just the females ;) They have been growing for about 7days..
  3. stonyjester


    Why Would you say that..
  4. stonyjester


    Hi all, I have some seeds from a female plant that seeded on me... I have chucked them in a tray and have started to sprout.. Could anyone say if they will be female or male, as i will need to sex them otherwise.. many thanks. Only in see through lid for the photo...
  5. stonyjester

    How do these look

    I'd hate him to be a hairdresser ...... Poor girls....
  6. stonyjester


    Hi, I have a few photo's I would like to share with those who care ;-) This is my second grow, as my last lot went to seed :sad: The first lot are at 4days flowering, and the others are at 23days now.... They are cluster bomb, and have 4 to a 2.4x1.2 with 2x 600w lights... Sorry for poor...
  7. stonyjester


    This is my first grow and I do not know how much to trim off... I would appreciate any input, here are a few before and after shots... I don't want to mess up the rest if this is a bad cut..
  8. stonyjester


    How would I flush these... Do I cut them and stand them in water or not bother..
  9. stonyjester


    They are in week 7 of 8, I will bung some photos on tomorrow when they wake up.. I'm not sure what the milky/cloudy trichomes are.. Thank you for your help...
  10. stonyjester


    Should I cut them all down and be done with it.. or give them a few more days of flushing....
  11. stonyjester


    Thank you, I might chop the infected ones and hope that the others are not infected.. I still might get a smoke out the infected ones though, shouldn't I... This is my first grow and this happens:-(:-(:-(
  12. stonyjester


    I think some of my ladies are in trouble... 6 weeeks into flower and today I cleaned out there trays for the flushing stage when i noticed that some of them have seeds and seed sacks.. what should i do, carry on and flush them, or cut them down now before they are all infected. I have 8 plants...
  13. stonyjester


    Hi all. Well after a week of worry about the poor girls, the yellowing has gone and the lush green has returned. I think that the re-potting made these babbies get a little stressed. Maybe even that tester that I put in them with the copper could of been a factor in it all, thats gone now...
  14. stonyjester

    Can anyone help...

    So.. Should I leave the lights and shovel some nutes down there little roots...:spew:
  15. stonyjester

    Can anyone help...

    I was told to use this stuff until I put them into flower. I plan to use tomorrow when they will need a water.
  16. stonyjester

    Can anyone help...

    But if you times 2700 by the 4 doesn't that count. So what sort of bulbs do I need to get these back on track.. I was looking to try and use these as mothers and take cuttings..
  17. stonyjester

    Can anyone help...

    These are both female seeds, one is a big bang the other is royal queen. Flowering time is about 8-9 weeks. I germinated them just over 4 weeks ago.I have them on a 18hour light cycle.
  18. stonyjester

    Can anyone help...

    I thought 600w was for flowering. hps
  19. stonyjester

    Can anyone help...

    Hello everyone, I have 2 seeds which I planted 4 weeks ago. They were going very well, until 3days ago when they started to wilt and go yellow. I have them in Bio-mix and have only been feeding them with water. I have them under 4 20watt lights 2700k each and on a heated...