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  1. POT SOLDIER 420

    My seeds were seized.......................

    Does anyone know anyone personaly that his happened to and what happened to them? What do u guys think wwms would say if i asked them to reship to different address? lol
  2. POT SOLDIER 420

    My seeds were seized.......................

    Tks guys, this is fuckin bullshit thoe. I feel like im being singled out cause this has never happened to anyone else ive heard of and i just wanted some A grade seeds.
  3. POT SOLDIER 420

    My seeds were seized.......................

    30 bucks And i ordered church and arjans strawberry haze
  4. POT SOLDIER 420

    My seeds were seized.......................

    I used a fake name, But my real address Cause i have nowhere else to send them. Am i good? And what is the damn forfiture letter about?
  5. POT SOLDIER 420

    My seeds were seized.......................

    Has this happened to anyone?
  6. POT SOLDIER 420

    My seeds were seized.......................

    I ordered from worldwidemarijuanaseeds and my order was seized by the U.s department of homeland security and i am fucking pissed:evil: They sent a letter in the package saying they seized illegal contraband and ill get a notice of forfit in the mail. Does anyone know what this means?
  7. POT SOLDIER 420

    Steak and sheak or Red Robin

    Taco bell forever lol
  8. POT SOLDIER 420

    I be awaitin 2, greenhouse and nirvana seeds
  9. POT SOLDIER 420


    Sweet,tks anymore ideals shoot!
  10. POT SOLDIER 420

    Bud Rot

    worldwide .
  11. POT SOLDIER 420


    Srry noob ass question can i get it at walmart? lol
  12. POT SOLDIER 420

    First Grow '09 *pics* Bagseed

    Random .
  13. POT SOLDIER 420


    Its just got black shit all over the preflower leaves its cause of the damn rain, so if i cut all the blcak stuff off thats all the preflowers
  14. POT SOLDIER 420


    So nothing can be done?
  15. POT SOLDIER 420

    Bud Rot

    A.M.S and the church are mold resistant stains.
  16. POT SOLDIER 420


    Anyone else help, should i just get ride of it?
  17. POT SOLDIER 420

    Seedsman White Widow, Big Buddha Blue Cheese, and G13 Pure Gold Grow

    Lookin awsome keep the pics commin!