First Grow '09 *pics* Bagseed


Active Member
the bigger one looks sativa dom and was started alot earlier and almost died twice,lol probaly why it didnt get too big, i topped it a month and a half ago (dont know strain). it was in a 5 gal bucket till i dug a big hole in the ground and transplanted it a week ago. the smaller one is over a month old not sure exactly, its called tooty fruity, i got the seed from a friend and it ended up female :D. it was topped 3 weeks ago. i cant smell the big one, but the tooty fruity smells dank, the last few days it been poppin up with lots of fat pre-flowers, especially at the top. i used alaska fish fert during veg with alittle M.G. here and there. i just went and watered and gave them some brer rabbit mollasses and some 15-30-15 miracle grow, all i got, im broke, should do the trick though. as you can kinda see in the pics when i put the sativa in the ground i put it kinda sideways (on purpose), so it'd grow upwards and not be so tall. tell me your thoughts, and what you think i might yeild from each plant, thanks :)




nice looking plants i would say the bigger one is good for a 1/4 or better and maybe 2 oz or a little more from the shorter one. but who knows really


Active Member
thanks, im hoping that sativa doesnt take 12 weeks to flower >.<
i was told by my friend that the tooty fruity should finish the end of sept./first week of oct.
im in nor-cal btw.


Active Member
dude i know you say your broke and im tight on money too, but get some fox farm big bloom(usually $12) or tiger bloom(usually$15) im currently using big bloom on my girls too(check my thread) and they have been really helpin out then when i was using the miracle grow 15-30-15.

Nice Growin by the way :)

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
dude i know you say your broke and im tight on money too, but get some fox farm big bloom(usually $12) or tiger bloom(usually$15) im currently using big bloom on my girls too(check my thread) and they have been really helpin out then when i was using the miracle grow 15-30-15.

Nice Growin by the way :)
shit u arent the azn chris i know are u??
the one from jersey???


Active Member
heres some more pics. first of the older sativa at diffrent angles, and then of the tooty fruity which is starting to flower which you can see in some of the pics. im going to try and get some pics of my other 5 ladies soon, i started them at my house till they were about 2-3 feet tall then i had to take them to my friends house/20year grower down the street cuz i punched a hole in my door and my mom told me to get ride of them or she was going to. so i took the 5 i knew were female to his house, he agreed to grow them for me but i have to give him 1/3 of what i harvest on those, its all good though hes got proper nutes and knows what hes doing. 3 of them are sativa dom almost 6ft tall, 1 is a mix about 4 1/2 feet tall, and the my favorite looks pure indica short FAT leaves pinkish/red hairs around 4ft tall, my buddy thinks its some kind of kush. later she cooled off and let me keep the few i had left that werent sexed yet. and i ended up with these 2 and 1 that sadly died. so i rambled for days THE END...for now =D



Active Member
lol the name is pretty much self-explanitory. the tooty fruity is starting to stink. i can smell it before i walk in the cage already


Active Member
i just went and took a few more pictures. They've been growing fast the last few days. theres more pre-flowers popping up on both everyday but they still dont look like their in actual flowering yet...:-?



Active Member
i was curious so i measured both of my ladies. the big one is 3 1/1 feet tall and 3 feet in diameter. the tooty fruity is 2ft 2in. tall and 1ft 3in in diameter. im really curious to see what i yeild.