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  1. P


    quick question from a beginner who knows nothing about lights. how many ballasts will power 5 400 watts, and is there any specific kind id have to buy? and why do you need them cant you just turn your lights on or off? im thinking mostly for overheating
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    1.5 gal air pots

    I have 1.5 gal air pots ill be growing out of already bought and i need to know about how tall/big my plants will get before i need to transplant. More specifically for anybody confused, how much growth can i get out of them before the roots in the pot will need more space. The dimensions of the...
  3. P

    1000w or 600

    either 6'x5'x4' or 6'x8'x6.5'... if i go with 4 600s thats one for every 12.5 plants, if i go with 3 then thats one for every 17 plants... id really just like to get 5 600's in the 6x8x6.5 and have ten plants under each one but i am on a budget so idk
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    1000w or 600

    What should i go with i have bout 50plants, only have a space 4ft high to grow them 2-2.5 ft tall, the pots are already 12in tall, i was gonna go with 4 600 watts but id rather use the 1000 but think they might end up too close to my plants, could i pull off the 1000?
  5. P

    what are the best type lights to grow with?

    whats the difference between the two lights?
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    what are the best type lights to grow with?

    Just wondering what the most highly recommended type bulb is, i was thinking about going with hps... so anybody else has a suggestion on whats better to use please help me out
  7. P

    tracking order..

    if your sending mail to canada through u s p s once it goes past the border can you not track it anymore? Sent something out and was tracking it all the way up till it cleared customs and i haven't gotten an update since.. has me bugging out.. if anybody knows
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    Whats the least amount of light i could use to grow 50 trees and still be productive...
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    How close can I put my 400watts...

    Im asking because i have a grow space thats only 4 ft tall, and i need to grow my plants 2-2.5ft tall, when the container they're in is 12'' tall. So by the time theyre where i want them to be that only leave me with about 12 to 6'' between.
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    Need grow op space...

    will do thanks for the advice
  11. P

    When can you plant in central florida?

    Im new. So correct me if im wrong But floridas a tropical climate and most weed is native to tropical climates near the aside from the sandy soil, floridas a perfect place to grow.
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    Need grow op space...

  13. P

    Need grow op space...

  14. P

    Need grow op space...

  15. P

    When can you plant in central florida?

    When can you plant in central/north Florida.Im thinking anywhere between March and September. Does anyone know? Really just need to know the latest in the year.
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    Sunshine state

    central. How late can you usually grow there and what are conditions?
  17. P

    Wheree to grow...

    So i have 50 autos all need to be planted. Im gonna let them veg for a month in 1.5g airpots, then transplant outside. My problem is i have no where to get em started under lights inside. I have too much invested in everything not to let them veg for a little while in a controlled environment...
  18. P

    Sunshine state

    Hey just wondering how long the season is in florida, if anybody grows there