Need grow op space...


Well-Known Member
What they said and ill ad security. A grow tent isnt exactly stealth. All in all, this is a worse idea then the guy that dug the "grow cave" in his parents back yard... Id wait until you have your own place to grow. people come up with some stupid ideas on grow spots. This is one of them. Another problem I see is no strain will finish in a month.
What they said and ill ad security. A grow tent isnt exactly stealth. All in all, this is a worse idea then the guy that dug the "grow cave" in his parents back yard... Id wait until you have your own place to grow. people come up with some stupid ideas on grow spots. This is one of them. Another problem I see


Well-Known Member
Go for it man it will work exactly as you plan. Maybe you could find a bear thats been stuffed and put it next to the tent to scare off rippers. And paint the roof blue so it looks like a pond from the sky. Instead of running a extension cord from various houses (too much risk of cord being seen) I would build a hydro electric dam on a river or stream that looks like a beaver damn. Find a few stuffed beavers and bam it looks like a scene from animal planet. People wouldnt even look twice.

You might want to find the guy who tried to make the grow cave I have a feeling if you two partnered up yall could be the next tony montanas of the pot game :D


Well-Known Member
good luck then bro!! rather you than me. cant u just grow them somewhere less risky for a month.i mean it may lead you to get caught.the Q you need to ask yourself is...Is it really worth it??...If you did get away with it it would be fantastic.And again that word....BUT!!!!


Well-Known Member
this is actually worse an idea imo than the home-made pot cave in the parents backyard


Go for it man it will work exactly as you plan. Maybe you could find a bear thats been stuffed and put it next to the tent to scare off rippers. And paint the roof blue so it looks like a pond from the sky. Instead of running a extension cord from various houses (too much risk of cord being seen) I would build a hydro electric dam on a river or stream that looks like a beaver damn. Find a few stuffed beavers and bam it looks like a scene from animal planet. People wouldnt even look twice.

You might want to find the guy who tried to make the grow cave I have a feeling if you two partnered up yall could be the next tony montanas of the pot game

this post has me laughing so hard :clap:
Go for it man it will work exactly as you plan. Maybe you could find a bear thats been stuffed and put it next to the tent to scare off rippers. And paint the roof blue so it looks like a pond from the sky. Instead of running a extension cord from various houses (too much risk of cord being seen) I would build a hydro electric dam on a river or stream that looks like a beaver damn. Find a few stuffed beavers and bam it looks like a scene from animal planet. People wouldnt even look twice.

You might want to find the guy who tried to make the grow cave I have a feeling if you two partnered up yall could be the next tony montanas of the pot game :D
this post has me laughing so hard :clap:


Well-Known Member
My idea is about as serious as yours... Think about it, how many hundreds of feet of extension cords do you plan on running to get this tent out of site? And whats plan b when the guy your stealing power from lets his dog out before bed, sees your cord ( its only camo not invisable ), and follows it right to your grow. How do you plan on fireproofing it? What are you going to make the tent look like to hide it a elephant taking a nap? The $500 budget will be half gone if not more just buying quality extension cords alone. On top of all that you plan on starting plants outdoors late sept?!?!

I say go big or go home! Use my bear and beaver idea!! It has to work right...
My idea is about as serious as yours... Think about it, how many hundreds of feet of extension cords do you plan on running to get this tent out of site? And whats plan b when the guy your stealing power from lets his dog out before bed, sees your cord ( its only camo not invisable ), and follows it right to your grow. How do you plan on fireproofing it? What are you going to make the tent look like to hide it a elephant taking a nap? The $500 budget will be half gone if not more just buying quality extension cords alone. On top of all that you plan on starting plants outdoors late sept?!?!

I say go big or go home! Use my bear and beaver idea!! It has to work right...
will do thanks for the advice