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  1. G

    First time grow. assistance needed

    thanks. but the equivalent of the 14 watt cfl is like 75 watts right? and week 2 of what? and its not the first set of leaves its like the 4th or 5th set
  2. G

    First time grow. assistance needed

    well there more of a pale green. but on one leaf of another plant has what looks to be a nute burn .there about 6 inches y tall and i just got some schults plant food with a 10-15-10 compound.good mix? when should i start applying ~GOODGREEN~
  3. G

    Guide for Diagnosing Plant Problems

    is it me or do most of the symptoms are alike??
  4. G

    First time grow. assistance needed

    thanks. i didnt think anyone would reply. but one of my plants had a burn on a leaf. and how do i get rid of the yellowing?? ~GOODGREEN~
  5. G

    Roll,roll,roll a joint, twist it at the end. light it up, take a puff , then pass it to a friend

    Roll,roll,roll a joint, twist it at the end. light it up, take a puff , then pass it to a friend
  6. G

    First time grow. assistance needed

    Alright this is my first time . i started from bagseed and now its been three and a half weeks from seedlings. i have 5 growindunder 2 14 wt cfl's ,one of a higher watt,and a 2ft flouro from walmart for growing plants. the soil is miracle grow and on 2 of the plants have yellowing leaves. used...