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  1. G

    can i have your opinion ??

    just started plant food the leaves keep drooping then perkin up its done this 3 times. ne1 know why??
  2. G

    I cant believe it!

    the lighting, my bad.. and thanks for taking your time to help me out ~GOODGREEN~
  3. G

    I cant believe it!

    but is it possible as is??
  4. G

    help diagnose my plants PLEASE

    yea aint that some shit! these people take their time to try and help you out, and your gunna be a dick? i hope your plants fuckin die!
  5. G

    Please help!

    thanks alot. i really hope its successful
  6. G

    How soon can i flower

    i have 3 23 23watt cfl's and a 2ft flouro from walmart for growing plants
  7. G

    Please help!

    i do no , no camara. but i think it s the temp thing cus my growroom has been cooler.. thanks man
  8. G

    Please help!

    one of my plants' stems to the 5th set of true leaves(not counting the very first ones) is turning a reddish purple. what could it be and how to correct it? thanks ~GOODGREEN~
  9. G

    How soon can i flower

    thanks . can they be grown with just the light i have?
  10. G

    How soon can i flower

    calyx?? whats that?
  11. G

    How soon can i flower

    how soon can i flower my plants? like how many weeks from germ. or height wise. any ideas or suggestions would be great
  12. G

    I cant believe it!

    Thanks. is 3500k enough for each plant right now?
  13. G

    can i have your opinion ??

    thanks guys idk the strain. but there all from different bags of mids or regs if u will. b ut i have noticed that each plant differs in leaf shape so my guess is there all a different strain or the genetics vary from plant to plant . im feeling on changing the lights around 13 14 inches?
  14. G

    can i have your opinion ??

    how long should i keep em in veg til going to 12/12? theres 6 of them and there all from bagseeds , all are between 6 and 10 inches tall 4 weeks from germ. i want them no more than 4ft tall give or take. any ideas or suggestions are greatly appreciated ~GOODGREEN~
  15. G

    I cant believe it!

    i just dug it up and transplanted it into a 5 gallon container . i think im goin to leave it outside til it starts getting colder then bring it in. its nice it has a stem as thick as a sharpie marker
  16. G

    I cant believe it!

    good idea^ but idk if i got the lighting for it and idk bout transplanting it that tall. what do u boys think??
  17. G

    I cant believe it!

    alright so im trying to do an indoor grow and ehh its coming along . but when i germinated my bagseeds i threw one outside in begining of august and now its fuckin 9 in tall. if female do u think it would yield anything by first frost???
  18. G

    First time grow. assistance needed

    and yess all of the yellowing started at edges
  19. G

    First time grow. assistance needed

    and how long should i keep em in veg?
  20. G

    Welcome New Members!

    whats up? im new and just wanted to get my name out here. first time grower ihave a thread or 2 about my hopefully slight problem with my indoor growing. any help would b great ~GOODGREEN~