Search results

  1. 0mitt3d

    Canna Nutrients

    I believe there is Canna Aqua (recirculating), Canna Substra (non-recirculating), and Canna Terra (soil). Canna's line of nutrients are very reputable, but are also very concentrated. Be sure to read the usage instructions carefully and start out at a lower PPM and work your way up. If you would...
  2. 0mitt3d

    Who Is The King Of Indoor??????

    My vote has to go out to Widow Maker. When I first read his how-to on marijuana growing it was amazing, not only for his information, but his pictures. Some of the pictures he posted were king worthy in my opinion. If you haven't already, check out his How to Grow Marijuana how-to under Newbie...
  3. 0mitt3d

    Bio Bizz

    I prefer the Earth Juice line of nutrients over Bio-Bizz, but both have good reputations. Perhaps you just had a bad batch of nutrients that were over concentrated or accidentally mixed them wrong. Since you've had successful grows with Bio-Bizz before, it seems awkward that this problem would...
  4. 0mitt3d

    My vehicle was stolen

    Odds are it was just some punk kids trying to be outlaws. Depending on what kind of car you have and where it was left, it might not be intact when you get it back. Then again, ignition problems or not, leaving your car running in the city is a big mistake. If only you had spent a few cents to...
  5. 0mitt3d

    Ventilation!!!! Need Help

    The squirrel cage fan would honestly be your best bet, as they usually move the most air. If it is too loud though, the in-line duct fans tend to work great. Depending on how much smell you need to cover up, you may also need a carbon filter. You should also have a fan for air intake as well, so...
  6. 0mitt3d

    The Majority of us.........

    Hank, I don't think that could have been said better any way. Thank you for that. :peace:
  7. 0mitt3d

    I had to lay the law down tonight.

    That was the funniest thing I've read all day. Thank you very much for that. :mrgreen:
  8. 0mitt3d

    Who Believes In God?

    I do not believe in god or any form of higher power, but I have many friends who do. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs and opinions, therefore I support them. I once had a teacher who stated nearly all wars were fought because of religious reasons. Whether this is true or not I am not...
  9. 0mitt3d

    Seed Addict

    I'm always up for some free seeds or a debit card! Hint hint, Pacman... :mrgreen:
  10. 0mitt3d

    Best seeds that grow faster than the others

    I personally like AK-47 or White Russian. They both grow fairly fast, produce higher than normal yields, have high THC levels, and are fairly easy to grow. Each plant will yield around 1.4 ounces depending on how well you grow, at the minimum you should yield at least an ounce. The flowering...
  11. 0mitt3d

    Cop Overdoses on Brownies

    Wow potpimp, you just married two of my favorite things together! :hump:
  12. 0mitt3d

    Cop Overdoses on Brownies

    Thank you. It was actually on a social news site, but when I saw it I knew I had to post it here for you guys and gals to see it. I couldn't stop laughing and actually watched it a couple times. :mrgreen:
  13. 0mitt3d

    Cop Overdoses on Brownies

    Since when has anyone ever overdosed on marijuana? Especially marijuana brownies. How these people are hired as police officers is beyond me... Quote from the video: "I think we are dead. Time is going by really, really, really, really slow." YouTube - Dumbest Cop Ever
  14. 0mitt3d

    New plant, new grow, new grower

    Well if you're going to be growing 10 plants or more, you're going to need a lot of light. At least a 600 Watt HPS, I'd prefer higher though. Depending on your space and budget, you might want to try a Sea of Green grow. You haven't given many details, but if you browse the forum I'm sure you'll...
  15. 0mitt3d

    New plant, new grow, new grower

    Black Gold All Organic, Fox Farm Ocean Forest, Sunshine Organic, Light Warrior, and the like, are pretty much all quality soils. I prefer to use Black Gold All Organic and Fox Farm Ocean Forest, so to answer your question, yes Black Gold is a fine choice. Although these soils can sometimes be...
  16. 0mitt3d

    White Widow My First Grow

    I have read your Grow Journal from start to finish and am very impressed with how your first grow is turning out. White Widow is a great strain, and you'll love every bud your plants produce. My favorites are AK-47 and White Widow, so if I were to suggest a strain for your next grow, I'd say...
  17. 0mitt3d

    lol, ok.... ACTIVATED CARBON....?

    I always calculate my rooms using the Cubic Feet Per Minute (CFM) measurement. I always want my air exchanged at least 10 times per hour. You can search and find hundreds of these calculators online. Head on over to Google and search 'How to calculate CFM' and the first result will be a simple...