The Majority of us.........


Well-Known Member
Are working class. As long as we work, pay bills, give to charity noone can tell us how to live in our home. We should be able to grow the fucking rainforest in are backyrds if we wanna. Who is it really hurting?



Well-Known Member
like any other substance, users choose wether to abuse it or not. it should be our choice either way. however the majority of the people in America choose to fear somthing that they do not understand.


Active Member
The majority of us are working class. As long as we work, pay bills, and give to charity, no one can tell us how to live in our home. We should be able to grow the fucking rain forest in our backyards if we want to. Who is it really hurting?

Hank, I don't think that could have been said better any way. Thank you for that. :peace:


New Member

Are working class. As long as we work, pay bills, give to charity noone can tell us how to live in our home. We should be able to grow the fucking rainforest in are backyrds if we wanna. Who is it really hurting?
