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  1. G

    HELP ME, Bucket Fucket

    Ok...i have an all purpose feed..mostly heavy on the big 3 but has iron,zinc etc... Should i use that or get something just for iron,mag,zinc???
  2. G

    Need Help ASAP

    Ive only used the feed once and it was lees than 1/4tbsp with a gallon of water, i feed both plants with that one gallon, i want to feed asap but what do i do with the rain?? Wait till it needs water again???
  3. G

    HELP ME, Bucket Fucket

    Thanks for your reply...any chance you know wat nut problem i have?
  4. G

    Need Help ASAP

    Hey, i know something is up here, its been a lil cold at night in NY, temps about 40- 50f. Im thinking the problem is nut def. its been raining for two days. How can i feed it asap??? Remember its been raining, and i dont want to over water....look at the pics. ps...i have MG potting mix...
  5. G

    HELP ME, Bucket Fucket

    Or should i go back an attempt to make holes from the bottom??? My plants are well over 2-3 ft. How would i do this, i will take a pic tmrw of the holes, and its been raining all day n supposed to tmrw. I never tested it out, another rookie move but the dirt comming out makes me think the...
  6. G

    HELP ME, Bucket Fucket

    Ok..dumb rookie move, i put my girls in 5g buckets and never made drainage holes. So i went back and cut chunks, from the side of the bucket about an half inch from the side bottom. I noticed wet dirt comming out so does this mean it works????? Or
  7. G

    HELP ME, Bucket Fucket

  8. G

    Mother earth Q's

    So if i transplant into the ground out of my 5g buckets, do i have to worry about nut feed? Does the ground have everything in it??? Or do you just transplant to prevent rootbound??
  9. G

    Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First

    Its raining out and i noticed i had a small nut def problem, iron def i beleive. Should i go out asap and fed it. Or wait for the rain to pass and wait for the pots to dry out?????
  10. G

    when is the best time of day to water you plant ?

    Its raining here today,, i need to feed nutes asap, my plant is showing signs. I had 5 water leaves tainted and its raing so should i feed still or wait till it stops raining and wait for the plant to dry out????
  11. G

    What is this voodo magic bullshit

    There were near the all over in different areas, its from the cheese, im hoping its not the nuts, im new and does nut burn kill the whole plant or just some of it?? should i flush asap even though i just gave them water yesterday??
  12. G

    Help me with the sun you veg

    Ok, i found these today on my blue cheese, here is my cheese from yesterday. Now... I found my first yellow leaf a several days back, so yesterday i feed my girls 1/4tbs of MG all purpose food..24-8-16 ......My soil is MG Potting mix21-7-14. The all purpose food has a everything in it...
  13. G

    nutrients question

    What does this need??? Im new to the green thumb life.
  14. G

    What is this voodo magic bullshit

    Ok, im new here and new to the green thumb scene, what is going on here, one day i find a yellow ugly leaf with green veins, 3 good days go bye and there looking good. I put a very small amount of nuts, like 1/8 of a tbs yesterday, when the plant looked good. So today i went back and found 5...
  15. G

    Ny experts please help me in choosing best outdoor strain for my climate !!!!

    I got a bluecheese from ithica....shes bushy and about 5 weeks old. Seeing how its a blueberry desendant will it be mold/pest resitant???
  16. G

    Help me with the sun you veg

    Yes i know, my friend had to make more room for his room, so he gave me those. I had nowhere to put em but outside.Both girls are in 5g buckets, by putting in containers you mean, what i have them in? Im not to worried on the size but im not sure on if it stresses the plant beacuse of the...
  17. G

    Friends clone vs my clone

    So i have a clone from a friend who started a mother, his BlueCheese was some ugly looking stuff but it was very strong. if i have a clone from that plant, and im growing outdoors, will it be the same visually??? If i use different tatics or nuts or anything different than what he does will it...
  18. G

    Blue cheese flowering time?

    People usally want a redish tint but i read you want creamy blue cheese cromes. Thanks for your pointers, i just get nervous because she is getting pretty big and i thought she was about to flower. I want her to flower later so she can get cold on her way out. So im in luck then. I aslo thought...
  19. G

    Newbie Help

    So your saying vegg till june 21 and wait till october? So basicallly i shouldnt even pay attention to veg times and flower times, because i cant control it?