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  1. C

    Confused..................what should I do.

    Right I have had so much mixed advice and looked online high and low still nothing seems to be the right information. I have 2 seeds both with tap roots. They have been buried around 5mm into my soil tap root down. Have put cling film over the pots to keep the humidity inside. What next...
  2. C

    Quick question guy

    Okay now im a bit confused. You say I can just put em under the light right now before they have sprouted, I just read that they should be kept in the dark before they sprout then put them under the lights once they have. Not sure what to do now. I mean with the lights they will know which...
  3. C

    Quick question guy

    Just checked the FAQ and as usual says nothing about what im trying to find out.
  4. C

    Quick question guy

    Ive just had my 3 seeds show a root, using the paper towel method. I just made tiny holes in my pots and put the seed in root down and covered with about 2mm of soil. Covered the tops with cling film, now where to I put the pots in a dark place or under lights????
  5. C

    Ventilation/Airfow dilema....1st Grow

    Guys On the weekend I will be driving around to all the stores to buy all the stuff I need for my grow cabinet, My 150w hps will be here tomorrow I got my seeds but the cabinet has alot of work to be done on it yet. I will be painting the inside white white matt paint a good few coats aswell...
  6. C

    1 pump 4 bubblers???

    How do I power 4 bubblers off 1 pump? Is it just a matter of connecting a few 2 way splitters until I have 4 lines coming out?
  7. C

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    Im just about to embark on my journey to supply my own bud with a cabinet and 150 hps. Long may this thread live and thanks for the heads up on the club over at ICMAG. btw Where can I check out this club, in which forum exactly having trouble locating it.
  8. C

    My grow room (pics) need advice

    Ive already bought the fem seeds there here in front of me. I had no idea they would be so hard to to grow without them going hermie, im sure im not that bad at growing that im gonna stress them out that much. If I just do a soil grow for my first run and do everything correctly why would they...
  9. C

    My grow room (pics) need advice

    its 38 inch's tall by 15 by 20 Its wooden, bought it from IKEA a few years ago, the front doors are glass sliding doors and once i cover the inside of them no light can leak out. I planned on growing the plants to around 8 or 10 inch's before flowering so they didnt grow too big. And growing 3...
  10. C

    My grow room (pics) need advice

    Im not sure just yet. Im thinking around 3 plants under 150W HPS or maybe a 250w CFL depends what is available for a cheap enough price. Mainly I just want to know, will a carbon scrubber/filter DIY jobbie be enuff to take away all the smell totally? When the cabinet is closed or will there be...
  11. C

    My grow room (pics) need advice

    Sorry, there up now!
  12. C

    My grow room (pics) need advice

    Im slowly getting together all the things I need to start my first grow ever. I have a TV stand which I have tipped onto its side and put in my closet. I will firstly coat the inside of the glass doors and inside the box with mylar or reflective white plastic. The measurements are 15" x 20" x...
  13. C

    Grow setup ideas (pics)

    I was thinking of 2-3 plants
  14. C

    Grow setup ideas (pics)

    Im slowly getting together all the things I need to start my first grow ever. I have a TV stand which I have tipped onto its side and put in my closet. I will firstly coat the inside of the glass doors and inside the box with mylar or reflective white plastic. The measurements are 15" x 20" x...
  15. C

    Advice on lighting for 3-4 plants

    Im in the middle of building my grow room it will be a tv cabinet I have tipped onto its side with a door build onto the front etc etc. I have 6 feminised seeds on there way but im stuck as with what lights to go out and buy. I will be making a DWC unit which I saw on a thread so i will be...
  16. C

    Multiple small lights or 2 large ones??

    Im in the middle of building myself a small grow room. Im looking to grow 3 or 4 plants at a time but want as bigger yields I can get without having to use HPS lights. Ive ssen on ebay 200w and 250w envirolights which seem pretty good. I was planning on having one or two above the plants and...
  17. C

    Which lights for yield v overall running costs?

    Thanks for the great info guys.
  18. C

    Buying high times magazine in UK???

    I want to buy a copy of high times magazine, but cant seem to find it. Does anybody know where in the high street I could buy a copy, maybe wgsmiths but doesnt say anything on there website. :wall:
  19. C

    Which lights for yield v overall running costs?

    I seen plenty of threads on here where a 400w hps has been sufficient for upto 10-15 plants and with good yields too. Maybe your setup is flawed
  20. C

    Which lights for yield v overall running costs?

    I am currently building my own ebb and flow system I have 6 feminized seeds to get me started. I was going to buy myself a 400w HPS light but with the cost of electricity here in the UK im not to sure if I can get away with a CFL instead. Any ideas to what would be best guys. Also looked...