Quick question guy


Active Member
Ive just had my 3 seeds show a root, using the paper towel method.

I just made tiny holes in my pots and put the seed in root down and covered with about 2mm of soil.

Covered the tops with cling film, now where to I put the pots in a dark place or under lights????

Daves not here man!

Active Member
Ive just had my 3 seeds show a root, using the paper towel method.

I just made tiny holes in my pots and put the seed in root down and covered with about 2mm of soil.

Covered the tops with cling film, now where to I put the pots in a dark place or under lights????

check out the faq...lots of answers

Daves not here man!

Active Member
LOL i hear ya.

I've had that issue before.

You can put them under the light right away. At this point they are pretty self sufficient because most of the action is happeing below the dirt.

Just make sure the light is close to them as they gain size. If they start out stretching and reaching for the light, they will be screwed in the long run.


Active Member
Okay now im a bit confused.

You say I can just put em under the light right now before they have sprouted, I just read that they should be kept in the dark before they sprout then put them under the lights once they have.

Not sure what to do now. I mean with the lights they will know which way to grow (towards the light) and also the warmth cant do any harm.

Daves not here man!

Active Member
my bad bro. I thought they had sprouted.

You are def. right ...no need to light em up yet.

Once they pop and are a couple inches above the surface you can do the lights.

sorry for the confusion...ill re-read next time before i post