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  1. minimojoman

    Day 10, from sprout (pics)

    26 days old! They look BEAUTIFUL! I cant wait to see them go through the flowering stage, its so interesting, and fulfilling. Anyways they have taken real nice to the LST and are growing like bandits... I try to get all the branches horizontal so the main stem gets a lot of light, more bud...
  2. minimojoman

    Day 10, from sprout (pics)

    26 days old! They look BEAUTIFUL! I cant wait to see them go through the flowering stage, its so interesting, and fulfilling. Anyways they have taken real nice to the LST and are growing like bandits... I try to get all the branches horizontal so the main stem gets a lot of light, more bud...
  3. minimojoman

    One Of My Sprouts Is Turning Brown And Dying. What Should I Do?

    take the fert sticks out, you dont add ferts for 3 weeks or so... only water after a couple days when the pot feels real light, bone dry all the way down to the bottom, it promotes root growth. how many watts is your light? your gunna need a bunch more anyways. just put a fan blowing on the...
  4. minimojoman

    Cfl Light Question??

    I think your lights will be fine, even closer than 2" is good... just watch em.. Honestly I have been vegging for 26 days now and I think I am going to start flowering at exactly one month.. its really up to you, I mean some people start flowering at 3 weeks, some at a month, some at a foot...
  5. minimojoman

    Cfl Light Question??

    just fyi, i have 40w cfls that i put closer than yours... you should be able to put those about 1 inch to 1 1/2 inch away from the plants, and they will love it... after about 4 inches those cfls dont produce very much.
  6. minimojoman

    Day 10, from sprout (pics)

    LOL yeah... now they are 24 days old. :joint::peace:
  7. minimojoman

    One Of My Sprouts Is Turning Brown And Dying. What Should I Do?

    ughhh thats a little light on the info man.... ya gotta fill us in on everything!! What type of light are you providing them?? For how long? how old are the sprouts? anything and everything to how you are treating them... fill us in if u want help.
  8. minimojoman

    to soon to flower

    subscribed! I wanna see how she turns out. :-D
  9. minimojoman

    Plant Abuse!!

    you can save them, the stems look pretty thick, your gunna need to raise the humidity tho, looks like ur leaves are too dry.. humidity above 50% is great temps around 78, transplant them, then water until it drips out the bottom with phed water. add a few cap fulls of hydrogen peroxide to the...
  10. minimojoman

    Is This A Female?? Please Look And Reply!

    i dont believe its showing its sex yet, those are stipules, which male and female both have. Are you 12/12 yet? They wont show their sex until then, or unless you've been vegging for a very long time some strains show as well. EDIT: Oh it looks like just new growth next to the stipules.. :-D
  11. minimojoman

    my first grow Kush PICTURES i would love comments

    how much bud has formed so far? rough estimate on yields?? 11-12 colas?? nice man...did u clone?
  12. minimojoman

    my first grow Kush PICTURES i would love comments

    looks pretty bangin to me!!! i wanna toke on some of that! how long did you veg? from seed? how tall where they and how many bud sites did they have before you started flower?? hehe thanks
  13. minimojoman

    Cfl Light Question??

    are these the "equivalents"? or the real watts of your CFL's? If you have 2 REAL 105watt 6500k cfls I would use one for one plant until you see that the light is not penetrating enough to lower spots/leaves. then start adding other lights at different angles or as you see fit. Personally I like...
  14. minimojoman

    i need major help

    ah jeez... yeah well figure it out then haha.. I aint saying a daayum thing.
  15. minimojoman

    i need major help

    no go away, your too young to be growing, and you dont have your own place thats not cool at all... theres way too much involved to just "help you", after reading over the WHOLE GROW FAQ, then ask if yourself if this is something your going to be able to pull off in your "upstairs bedroom"... I...
  16. minimojoman

    Is it okay to trim the leaves?

    well yeah sure it harms the plant... i mean you are cutting a piece of the plant off... the fan leaves are a main source for photosynthesis to take place.. if u cut them off I would only do a few at a time and see how they react, dont wanna stress em out now do ya?
  17. minimojoman

    Soil question

    yeah that should be fine, what is it MG? you might notice nute burn, but its doubtful.. just make sure that you plant them in something really small, you will transplant them within a week to a little larger pot. What kind of nutes do you have?? You can start using small amounts of nutes as...
  18. minimojoman

    3 weeks and 2 days old, opinions?

    nemore opinions?
  19. minimojoman

    HelP! did I kill my plant?

    LOL, this sounds like you purposely burn the tops of your plants, and the second part I dont quite understand haha... "so I had to cush the dry part of my plant its about 20cm" ? :joint::peace:
  20. minimojoman

    3 weeks and 2 days old, opinions?

    can I start using the molasses now?? what like 1 TB per gallon? would you even take a STAB at yield?? I know its tough but anyone flower plants these size and can tell me a comparable yield?? I was thinking of starting flower on the first of next month.. you think they will be ready? Should I...