Soil question


Well-Known Member
Hey, im on day 2 of germination just checked and they havent sprouted but changed colors, and im getting everything setup, stapling mylar, hanging everything and before i put the soil in the container, i was wondering if this soil fertilizer is alright to use, it contains .10% N .8% P and .7% K, is this going to be fine for my plants? and should i start using my nuts about a month after or what? thanks for all help in advance


Well-Known Member
yeah that should be fine, what is it MG? you might notice nute burn, but its doubtful.. just make sure that you plant them in something really small, you will transplant them within a week to a little larger pot. What kind of nutes do you have?? You can start using small amounts of nutes as early as 2 weeks, all depends on what your plants want, and how they look :-D


Well-Known Member
Sounds like an ok soil to me. I'd leave them in 16 oz dixie cups or something of that nature for 3 weeks or so. Allow it to establish a good root system in a small pot/cup.


Well-Known Member
so when im seeing here is i can use it, but i was wondering when i could start using other nuts, or if i even have to, my nuts consist of 7-5-6 and 8-14-9, the soil says it feeds for 9 months so im not exactly sure what to do,


Active Member
You can save the 8-14-9 for later. That will be more useful during the flowering stage. I would just use the 10-8-7 you mentioned in the first post during the veg stage unless you get some other brand that has more nitrogen (the first number).

Here is a good, SAFE way to do it:

1) Wait until 2-3 weeks (depending on growth) before doing anything.
2) Then fertilize 1 one plant with 1/4 of the dosage, see how it responds.
3) Next watering, if it's doing well, up the dosage to a 1/2. At this point, you could start the rest of the plants on the 1/4 dosage since you know that's safe.
4) Continue this until you reach the desired dosage.

I would ramp up the dosage to no more than a teaspoon per gallon. Anytime I make changes to the nutes, I always start with one plant as a trial. That way, if you mess up, you only lose one plant and not the whole crop. Definately worth doing if you're not sure what your plants can take.

BTW - In the future, I would avoid soil with built-in nutes. It just complicates things.