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  1. C

    crab meal vs. oyster shell

    Hey everyone! Would crab shell meal be the best option? I just ran out and I am planning to buy more but I found shrimp meal. Should I just go for crab meal? I barely see a difference. If diversity is key then I will buy both! Thanks!
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    DiY LED - Cree CXA3070

    Do we know if Chromaticity matters in the way we should purchase our LEDs? I noticed A while ago they were offered in 2-step or 4-step and purchased 4-step Z2 bins. Would we notice a difference from 2 to 4?
  3. C

    best air stone.

    Honestly look at modular hydro. and copy their design by buying the raw supplies on amazon. Costs about 30 bucks and I have enough airstones for the rest of my life. Good luck
  4. C

    Soil for seedlings?

    Straight coco.
  5. C

    spider mites

    You can Spray with a diluted Rosemary oil mixture to kill them dead. Most of the eggs too. I use 1.5 Tbs to a gallon which is a little more than 2% concentration. Plant some chives and garlic too. I experimented with spraying a worm tea the other day and it had no effect. It probably just blew...
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    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread From the very bottom of the last post by Rising Moon. When I add my food and minerals back to the soil I like to mix it with the EWC and top dress with that. I use all I made, can't overdo EWC. Re-amend @ (1/8 cup, of each from...
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    I'm looking for a recipe for coco

    I am currently testing the coco mix I posted in the rols thread. 1 part coco mix (2parts coco, 1part ricehulls) 1 part worm castings 1 part rabbit poo I then ammend with rock dusts and all vegan ammendments. I Planted mother clones yesterday so we will see how it goes. I think it is a pretty...
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    COB heat sinks

    Yeah man check this out. That's as cheap, easy and fast as it gets. I run 20 cobs at 60w each on each heatsink.
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    HydroSoil- Air Injection Technology

    Right! I for one can not wait to try this new tech. and if it doesn't work I have great airstones for my Tea brewer! :)
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    HydroSoil- Air Injection Technology

    Here are raw supplies if you need them. So cheap it's a crime!
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    HydroSoil- Air Injection Technology

    I just googled this tech and I am very interested. I might try on some mother plants and see how they do! My mix includes coco so I'll keep you updated.
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    Hyroot's Garden

    Do you use Sodium or Calcium Bentonite? All I can find around is animal feed grade, and they do not know which it is either.
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    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Well my coco recipe turned out to be 1 part coco mix (2 parts coco to 1 part rice hulls) 1 part EWC 1 part Rabbit Poo as my base amended with 1/2 cup Kelp 1/4 heaping cup each of Neem and Karanja 1/2 cup Crab shell a teeny bit of alfalfa 5 cups together of Basalt, Glacial, diatomaceous...
  14. C

    5th Official Party Cup Grow Competition

    Ok here are my entries! We have two regular Lambo seeds under a 3000k CXA running at 60w. They run for 13/11 each day. I am hoping to take clones and train so this will be fun! Nutes are rols soil. I hope to go water only. Let the games officially start :P Canna
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    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    What is everyones opinion on coco chips vs coco coir for an aeration ammendment?
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    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    I am also looking for coco with high cec. Have you seed these sellers? They also carry coco chips. I wonder if they would be a better substitute. They coco coir they advertise says high cec.,View&product=62
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    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    What does everyone think of only coco? I was planning a mix of 1 part composted rabbit poo, 1 part worm poo, and 1 part coco/ricehulls 50/50 for my base. Then coots recipe for the amendments. Would this be a good coco only mix?
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    The most shocking video of your life

    He was killed because he tried to get rid of the US treasury. The elite could not have that happen!
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    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    You can always top dress the ingredients after making the tea. Two birds
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    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Quick question. I've been harvesting and trimming mother plants and the trim is pilling up. I usually just dumb it in a local forest but this time I am considering composting it. Can I compost material that has been grown with Maxibloom as long as the leaves have no salt residue on them? I ask...