spider mites


Active Member
few days into week 9 of 12-12... and noticed them. wanted to go another week and a half... questions are can i continue to grow with no problems? can i spray with worm tea this late in game? should i cut now? most trics are cloudy.
You can Spray with a diluted Rosemary oil mixture to kill them dead. Most of the eggs too. I use 1.5 Tbs to a gallon which is a little more than 2% concentration. Plant some chives and garlic too.

I experimented with spraying a worm tea the other day and it had no effect. It probably just blew them off the leaves and destroyed what was becoming a web.

I would definitely try the rosemary and keep going. It knocks them out, and I haven't seen resistance yet. I only spray every 4 days.
Do not spray at week nine! Far too much chance for mold and to effect the taste (if spraying botanicals). They will be fine for another week or two unless they are webbing and killing the plant.

so if you dont spray or treat them in any way and chop early, do the mites die or leave the buds when drying? or are they still hanging around on the buds can they still lay eggs and make webs?
so if you dont spray or treat them in any way and chop early, do the mites die or leave the buds when drying? or are they still hanging around on the buds can they still lay eggs and make webs?
Hang the flowers on a string as you would for regular drying, at the ends of the string place tanglefoot or sticky traps. The mites will travel off of the dead and drying flowers looking for food and get caught.
few days into week 9 of 12-12... and noticed them. wanted to go another week and a half... questions are can i continue to grow with no problems? can i spray with worm tea this late in game? should i cut now? most trics are cloudy.
DONT SPRAY!!! just gotta take your losses and chop a week early and be thankful they didn't hit you a few weeks earlier. trim off the infected areas and just hang them up because if you spray now you will taste that spray later for sure especially any type of oils and dont even think about spraying poisons for your saftey and health man. good luck

btw mighty wash work great in veg I wouldnt use it in flower.
don't spray this late like others said. I would blast them off with water or shake them off before u cut, this will reduce spiders and eggs being smoked.
DONT put anything on it right now. Powerspray that plant and let the buds fully dry out. Keep doing that once a week till harvest, or detail it with miticide, but do not get any chemicals on buds