I'm looking for a recipe for coco


Well-Known Member
I am interested in amending some coco with organic ferts and feeding only water .
Would this work or does it need to be soil?
Any recipes you can share would be greatly appreciated.
You could use the standard "thirds" mix (1 peat, 1 castings/compost, 1 aeration) and just replace the peat with coco... but i've read that coco "is also aeration," so idk... maybe use something like 2 coco, 2 castings, 1 aeration (plus rock stuff, obviously).

If i were to build my own soil from bought parts, without producing any of my own stuff (e.g. leaf mold or worm castings), i'd do something like:

agrowinn or "worm power" castings
combo of rice hulls and lava rock (aeration)
"CC kit" from BAS (buildasoil)

And maybe mix in some alfalfa and kelp, or maybe save it for top dressings and teas (either mixed or alternated with worm tea).
I am curious if anyone has a recipe theyve tested with coco,i use 16 gallon tubs and wonder what mix would work...50/50 coco/perlite works great right now but not sure if its quite organic.I need to buy supplies today or tomorrow ,any tips/recipes from experience?
I am currently testing the coco mix I posted in the rols thread.

1 part coco mix (2parts coco, 1part ricehulls)
1 part worm castings
1 part rabbit poo

I then ammend with rock dusts and all vegan ammendments. I Planted mother clones yesterday so we will see how it goes. I think it is a pretty solid mix.
