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  1. Corey

    is that flower or something?

    That shit looks weird to me, I'm no pro but I'm not sure why everyone thinks its Heath new growth. I kinda thought it looked like a male bud. Can you upload another picture like the birds eye view one but just on a little angle Is it in flowering stage??
  2. Corey

    Junk mail with seed orders?

    Google is your friend search money/mail order
  3. Corey

    Low Soil PH Question

    Hey I just have a question, My soil ph is very low like 4.8-5.2 and I have add dolomitic lime 3 times now and its still low, Im just wonder if I should be using higher water ph to balance it out, do you guys no if thats a good Idea. The water PH I give it now is like 6.2-6.4 Im thinking maybe...
  4. Corey

    Junk mail with seed orders?

    No you wont get any junk mail.. BCseedking only accept cash and money order/mail order (International money order if outside of Canada). looks like a good site or Indoor Marijuana Seeds High Quality Low Prices
  5. Corey

    Good Seed Sites

    So what you guys think is bullshit?
  6. Corey

    Good Seed Sites

    Thanks guys I think Im gonna go with BCBD.. I found this one strain that looks really tempting check it out, BC da purple
  7. Corey

    about 2 months how she look

    Looks good, mine are so stunted there 6 weeks old and there so small I wanna cry, Im gonna get some new seeds soon.. Take a look at them check my journal
  8. Corey

    Good Seed Sites

    Hi there, I live In Canada and Im looking for reliable, safe, low prices and good quality, seed sites. Any suggestions??:leaf:
  9. Corey

    think it would be okay?

    I dont use water, I just pee on them.
  10. Corey

    ph for promix-hp

    yea im having this same problem right now. I used a pro mix and the soil ph is like 5.0 I keep adding dolomitic lime but its not going up, The lime that I have is not super fine powder maybe thats my problem, I would say the grain size goes from powder to half a seed size,, is this about normal...
  11. Corey

    Somebody please take me in as there student

    your (water ph) is the ph of your water that your giving your plants should be around 6.0-6.5 ... But you should also no what your soil ph is, read this GROWFAQ
  12. Corey

    Reliable seed site?

    Is BCseedking good????
  13. Corey

    Somebody please take me in as there student

    Whats you soil ph and water ph? Whats your temp and humidity. Get better nutes better soil and smaller pots. An is this right your lights are on at 6am and off at 9pm thats 15/9 you need 18/6 .. Try and download Jorge Cervantes Ultimate Grow DVD 01.DVD and 02
  14. Corey

    Red Growth

    Yea all my stems are a puprle red,, Both strains
  15. Corey

    First Grow Journal

    My soil Ph wont go up wtf ,, I keep adding more dolomitic lime every time I water..
  16. Corey

    Red Growth

    I think your right my room did get kinda cold somthing like 66F 19C Thx
  17. Corey

    Red Growth

    I think that plant has a Nitrogen or Zinc deficiency, I haven't really feed them for 3 weeks, cuz I burnt them at week 2,, there 5 weeks old, so stunted.
  18. Corey

    Red Growth

    Has anyone seen this before my new growth has a reddish look to it? This cant be good. Check out my journal for Info :leaf:
  19. Corey

    Weird Top Leaves..... Opinions Please....

    Wow thats really weird looking lol I think you should keep growing it because the bottom nodes are growing gl :)
  20. Corey

    Will It Survive?

    I would crop now and smoke it .. jk It might live give it a couple weeks then you can probably tell if its gonna live. Give us an update Pic :)