Junk mail with seed orders?

Hong Chong

Active Member
I havent ordered off the internet before. im wonderin if i will get any junk mail from or associated with BC seedking if i order some seeds. has anyone got junk mail or weed mail from seed companies?
LMAO...why would they waste their money printing junk mail let alone wasting more money to pay for postage to send it?
Directly after buying the seeds it will start off small,first they'll send you sale ad's for more seeds,then sale ad's for some hash,then they bombard you with ad's for Vicoden & Zanax,then the ad's for Opium start comming in the mail.

Then they start sending small free samples of of things like meth,crack & ice, just to give you a little taste you see,next thing you know your hooked on smack & on your knee's in a homo bath house,handeling sausages like a pro,all for your next fix.

Dont do it man !.