Somebody please take me in as there student


Active Member
im getting so fuking pist off my plant just keep dying dont know why very discourging i asked ques on exaust got no answers please tell me what to do or what am i doing wrong here r some pics im asking for help start to finish will answer any ques anybody has will take and try any info you guys have almost about to give up:confused: ques on exaustz was could i attach fan on that side like in pic and run 1 duct on other side to out of room have hps light 600w am i fucked or what do i need to change somthing arround or differnt tech once again please help me or make me your student need all info i can get was wondering if it matterd if seeds where bag seeds or not like i said need info on everything help me please or im going to loose my mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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I will take you as my student.
I just am in and out doing gardening today because it is gorgeous out but I will be back later to give you a hand.

Don't sweat the small stuff;)
Its all small stuff :)
In the meantime could you please give me some info like:

soil medium using
water schedule
how close are the lights\\??

A fan is good..

how big is the room etc.
the soil that im usin is mircale grow potting mix with fert so i havent really used to much but the fert i have is 20 20 20 jight is about 2 feet away any closer it is to much for them no exaust room size is 6by 6 but grow area is 4 by 4 light on at six of at 9 started with 42 now im down to 13 watering varies have tester bottom seems to be wet always so i lighty water when soil is dry by root going to drill more holes on sides at bottom what about c02 or carbon or is it unneeded temp unsure too hot with door closed so i leav open
the soil that im usin is mircale grow potting mix with fert so i havent really used to much but the fert i have is 20 20 20 jight is about 2 feet away any closer it is to much for them no exaust room size is 6by 6 but grow area is 4 by 4 light on at six of at 9 started with 42 now im down to 13 watering varies have tester bottom seems to be wet always so i lighty water when soil is dry by root Well here is your problem. You are not watering them properly.

There is nothing wrong with MG soil you are using. It already has nutes in it so you might be over feeding them BUT I would say your main prob is your roots are becoming water logged and if you are not careful you may end up with root rot.

For now....let the soil in all your plants dry out some. The bottoms shoud NOT be wet consently. Thats NOT good at all.
Water plants....let soil dry out....water plants again.

If you have a close personal relationship with your plants, they will tell you exactly what is going on with them includign when to water.

About the network thing here. I can't add you as that feature is broken or not working right now and has not yet been fixed.

You may pm me if you wish yo.

Good luck and keep in touch.:mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:

going to drill more holes on sides at bottom what about c02 or carbon or is it unneeded temp unsure too hot with door closed so i leav open
thank u for the help what about light hight and exaust also got some active carbon know anything about that will keep posted throughout grow keep an eye out for me
This is your first grow. drop back to like 5-6 plants, get better soil, smaller pots, and water them less.

OH!! And listen to LACY!!!
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I am a noob myself, but i was checking your pics and one caught me as strange. Was wondering why the wall material in your room is fiberglass? I would think that a fan oscillating the air would get some of those fiber glass particles onto your plants. Those fiberglass particles would probably breakdown and be very harmful to your ladies. I dont know just thought you might want to cover that with some mylar.
I am a noob myself, but i was checking your pics and one caught me as strange. Was wondering why the wall material in your room is fiberglass? I would think that a fan oscillating the air would get some of those fiber glass particles onto your plants. Those fiberglass particles would probably breakdown and be very harmful to your ladies. I dont know just thought you might want to cover that with some mylar.

Fiberglass will not break down and hurt the plants. But you are very correct, he should cover his paper faced insulation, It has like Zero reflective properties. Also the dust and fibers landing on your plant as Blinky has said. It can cause problems, Fiber glass is made with embalming flood and some other nasty chemicals. These are the items that could hurt your plant. Ever wonder why some bags of insulation smell like cat piss?
I'm a bit confused in your response. Does it hurt your plants or does it not? b/c began stating fiberglass wouldnt breakdown in some way and hurt the plant. then you finished saying it could.LOL not trying to be a smart ass just sounded like a contradiction. I always want to thrive for the best info.
Whats you soil ph and water ph? Whats your temp and humidity. Get better nutes better soil and smaller pots. An is this right your lights are on at 6am and off at 9pm thats 15/9 you need 18/6 ..
Try and download Jorge Cervantes Ultimate Grow DVD 01.DVD and 02
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Fiberglass will not break down and hurt the plants. But you are very correct, he should cover his paper faced insulation, It has like Zero reflective properties. Also the dust and fibers landing on your plant as Blinky has said. It can cause problems, Fiber glass is made with embalming flood and some other nasty chemicals. These are the items that could hurt your plant. Ever wonder why some bags of insulation smell like cat piss?
cause some cats piss in it?:evil:
sorry but not a thing I like about cats.:-|

thank u for the help what about light hight and exaust also got some active carbon know anything about that will keep posted throughout grow keep an eye out for me
This part you would be better off getting advice from someone else as I know little to nothing about exhaust etc. I am needing to know more myself.

There are many Do it yourself threads in this forum. Up in the right hand corner you will see a search button. Put in some words and see what you come up with.

I guarantee that if you do some research on this site you WILL find what you are looking for PLUS the members here are more than willing to help.

I have a 1000 watt MH warm deluxe and I keep it about 2 1/2 to 3 feet away.

Good luck and remember to let that soil dry out. Thats your main prob I think ;)
I'm a bit confused in your response. Does it hurt your plants or does it not? b/c began stating fiberglass wouldnt breakdown in some way and hurt the plant. then you finished saying it could.LOL not trying to be a smart ass just sounded like a contradiction. I always want to thrive for the best info.

It is not the fiberglass breaking down that can cause the damage, it is the chemicals used to make it. As soon as you water your plant the chemicals will weep into the soil and do the damage. No breaking down of anything.
moving on from the quite irrelevant fibreglass topic. it looks like you have all the tools to be succesfull, germ your seeds in the paper towel, just like you're doing!! great.

get yourself some good bagged potting soil or top soil. if you are planning to use some sort of liquid fert/nute mix in your grow, dont get the bagged soil with fert added in. a very common problem stems from these pre ferted soil mixes. it is hard to tell when the plant has used up most of the available fert the soil came with. the newbie grower is watching the plant grow with anticipation, and convinces themselves its been two or three weeks, its time to start adding my nutes. nute burn occures, and the stress to the plant and the grower effects the grow from that point on. stay away from the pre ferted soils.
grab some perlite or vermiculite, and mix 3 parts soil to 1 part verm or perl. you dont need both, one or the other will do. the verm or perlite will promote good soil drainage and airation, both good things.

with that florencent tube in your pic, keep your seedlings under it for a good three weeks, at 18 hours on, 6 hours off, use a automatic timer, they are cheap and they work. two added bonuses to using the floro tube is its way cheaper to run than that 600watt hps, for the first three weeks, and the floro tube will provide the blue spectrum of light the plant requires in early life. the more blue spectrum promotes good veg growth, and you can place the floro light an inch or two away from the plants to keep them as short and bushy as possible. i honestly dont know why some people use only an HPS, it promotes a taller, spindlier weaker overall plant in the end, more often than not, that has to be supports and tied up so it doesnt fall over or break.

in 3 to 4 weeks, judge whether its time to put the plants under the 600watt HPS, and if you do, it would be wise to leave them at 18/6 for maybe 2 more weeks. then drop em down to 12/12.

cover the fiberglass insulation with mylar or, drywall painted white. if its an open space with some sort of fresh air supply, keep a few fans going to move the air and plants around, good air circulation is very important, how much circulation depends on the temps attained while the light is on. anywhere from 76 to as high as 84 degrees will be fine as long as the air is moving and there is a source of fresh air. try and keep the space from going below 60 degrees at night.

go for a humidty around 55% durring 90% of the grow, for the last three weeks i drop my humidity to 35-40%.

good luck
no shit never thought about that cool thanks know anything about carbon filters? starting new batch tomorrow will put pics on first sprout is half gallon containers to small to do full grow in