i brought up some very specific points of contention and am currently waiting for the troll OP to respond :D good day!
"bible = archive of ancient cults.
not the word of one god, but the word of hundreds.
jesus is horus. both born to a virgin mother heralded by the morning...
something i noticed, OP never said the werman in question actually opposed the grow, just that they argued loudly and this was a problem. is that what you guys argue about?
also before you dudes run out and marry the first chick you find that loves growing weed, be aware that one shred of logic...
right? i never even realized how offensive that would be to most people till i left my hometown....
chicken in electrical sockets.... still trying to wrap my mind around that.
"most evolved" could be defined as processing energy and inorganic matter into biomass most efficiently...
i bet someone can guess which specie takes the cake :D
hahaha or something we do as good hearted prank down south, load up a bowl with something weird (dmt, dolt, salvia, crack, etc) then cover it in weed and hand it to someone with a smile on your face and a "here ya go buddy a green one for ya!"
oh yeah he is annoying as fuck, i dont even need to talk to him to know that, i have dealt with his kind before unfortunately... they are hopeless.
also he didnt invent the word faggotry, it has been around the internet for a while. i dont think he deserves credit for coining a word even its a...
on his thread.... not so much over here.... besides what can you even say about this?? i think we are a witty bunch, but there isnt much to add to these pics......
bible = archive of ancient cults.
not the word of one god, but the word of hundreds.
jesus is horus. both born to a virgin mother heralded by the morning star. horus father is called jo-seph, both births announced by angels and witnessed by shephards, both baptised in a river by a man who...
so im pretty sure you mean a pepper spray as an organic insecticide right? thats easy enough with some pulverized pepper and a surfactant...
but if you want to weaponize it ill give you the recipe a few of my home boys with felony charges use instead of firearms....
have fun with those you...
zig zags are thick as goddamn notebook paper elements and clubs are where its at.
less fuel = slower burning.
also glue is a stupid idea paper fiber stick fine without it and no one wants to smoke glue.